Over green saturated photo

Hi all
So we did our first flight with the mini 3, the sun would have been facing us.

One of the photos seems to show the grass as some over enhanced ‘greeness’ about it compared to the other, more natural colour that it was.

Photos were on its default setting

Any thoughts, settings, suggestions


There could be several reasons -

The difference in the saturation will probably be due to you having the white balance on auto.

Did you tap the screen (on your controller / phone) to set the focus point / exposure or let the camera decide?

Were you comparing a JPEG with a RAW (DNG) file?

As a minimum I’d recommend that you set photos to Pro, leave all settings other than White Balance (WB) on auto.
Tap the auto icon next to WB to turn auto on, let the camera measure and set the WB, then tap auto again to turn it off, you’re WB will then remain static.

Without knowing how much knowledge you already have with regard to photography, I would advise that you search the tinternet for the exposure triangle and how WB works.

They have been optimised by the fly app, post the originals from the sd card

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Two things …

  • Is your monitor/screen calibrated? It might be that which is giving you colours you don’t think are correct … but just might be,
  • Remember - colours are mainly subjective. One man’s food are another’s poison.

Hi folks

Brill, thanks for all your comments and suggestions
Much appreciated.

I am used to cameras and photography, my SLR as a longtime amateur. I dont manipulate photos otherthan crop or maybe alter brightness if needbe, just like it if I take a good photo then job done, if not ok try again

I will try the WB info thanks

Just left it in jpeg (not and RAW), auto everything

I went back to the dji fly app and looked at the photos in the album there rather than the one I posted which was in my phones photo album and tge gredn is looking different on thst one

Posted below

Thanks everyone

The exposure is different in the two photos. In the top photo the grass is correctly exposed and the building in the background is under exposed. In the bottom one the building is correctly exposed and the grass is over exposed.

The brightness levels in the image are beyond the dynamic range of the camera sensor, it cannot expose everything in the image correctly.

Try AEB mode, you will get up to 5 photos of the scene and can pick the one that you prefer or merge them into an HDR to correctly expose all parts of the scene.

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The data from the photo shows the fly app has optimised the photo

![dji_fly_20250112_153550_13_1736696174717_photo_optimized|375x500](upload://sCQ427KHK7zvTAftYdvw97GdDvl. jpg

The DJI Fly application features intelligent, built-in photo optimization. The application automatically enhances image quality after downloading a photo, resulting in vivid colors and details that рор. It would prompt “photo quality enhanced”, and then there are two photos in the album. One’s image quality is original and another is enhanced

Oh wow, thanks for this Sparky much appreciated.

So thats interesting and explains that then

Good there are both photos that are saved (didnt know that)

Ha, it cerainly ‘pops’ but not my taste

Hope it doesnt do this too many times

Cheers for now

Have a good day