I visited Jesus, my old college in Oxford on Saturday.
I had permission to launch and recover from within the college. However, there was a Pride march in the streets around, so I kept within the college limits so as not to inadvertently fly over a crowd.
@wrsdrone William I put college in the title for you I hope you don’t mind as it just said Oxford
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It was mainly for the college, but many landmarks in the surrounding city are also shown.
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A fascinating set, thanks. This is a very central location which is off limits for many of us to fly, but full of interesting perspectives on the wider city. The one looking east with the JR hospital on the top of the hill is good (I live nearby), as is the view down on to Broad Street with the march in progress. It’s also interesting to see elements of the new development on Cornmarket. Very much town and gown here, and thanks for sharing!
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