Paid work in Great Yarmouth… and a goodbye from me

Hi everyone,

After a lot of reflection, I took the decision a couple of months ago to sell my drone. I hadn’t been enjoying flying for a while, and given the relentless DJI release schedule I thought it would be best to sell up whilst my Mini 2 was still worth more than a Freddo bar!

Anyway, Sod’s Law being what it is, I had a message today from someone wanting some aerial footage of their building in Great Yarmouth. They’d been given my number by some roofers who I happened to bump into when flying last year, and who I’d done a bit of footage for at the time.

Obviously I’m unable to help, but I said I would offer out to the forum to see if anyone else can assist. If you drop me a message I will provide the contact details.

Goodbye, and thanks for all the fish!


The door is always open, Rusty …

Never say “goodbye” Andy, always “see you later”

All the best Andy mate :blush:

All the best Andy but as already said - see you again :+1: :+1: :+1:

Hi, Just seen your post. If still required I live in Dereham, only 30 or so minutes away.