Petersfield (south) Golf Course - Added to Parks and Recreation in South East

I have just added this to the map of places to fly your drone at Drone Scene:

Land owner permission obtained.

Petersfield Golf club has 2 courses in the town, and this is the smaller of the them.
Its well groomed greens and attractive trees make for some nice views if you catch it in the right light or on snowy days when it is closed. Can be quite busy, so best visited in the week, and near the longest day of the year when golden hour is after most have gone home. Good medium views of the nearby lake from higher up.

Pls note ‘permission obtained’ means for ME, because I went to the clubhouse and asked for it - you would have to do the same to be able to TOAL from inside the site, and coordinate with them which times are least busy when they don’t mind you flying. I do not recommend stealthing it from neighbouring fields, although it would be possible, and you can see quite a lot of it from the common next to the lake over the road, but if we ask and they say yes, then TOAL spots are great and within site !

Parking is in the Golf course main car park behind the clubhouse.
Suggested TOAL points give you best all-round visibility and VLOS.
Best filmed one ‘end’ at a time so you can avoid stray golfers as they play through.
Occusync 4 can get through most of these trees no problem, but it is easy to get lost, so stay high to retain that VLOS !

Useful information:

  • RTH height should be 180 ft to avoid all trees, powerlines and golf balls in play.
  • Average height of golf ball in play is 60-90 ft, tour level no more than 150 ft.
  • Some large birds (not hawks) live on the course but do not attack drones or
    panic unless you get too close to them on the ground.
  • There are cows in adjacent fields, who also don’t care about drones.

The originator declared that this location was not inside a Flight Restriction Zone at the time of being flown on 17/08/2024. It remains the responsibility of any pilot to check for any changes before flying at the same location.