Congratulations @collapsibletank onna stunning photo
This is all terrifically exciting. Thanks everybody.
Cracking image Jim @collapsibletank Beautifully framed with the fence too
One of the strongest but simplest images I’ve seen in quite a while. And as @SirGunner says the use of the fencing, intended or not, is superb (I really hope, and think it was). I do sometimes find my eyes wondering, exploring maybe a little too much, but the fence does the trick of stopping them going too far and draws my gaze back in. If you haven’t done already, I’d be printing this out at least A3 and sticking it on the wall. Well worthy of its place in the hall of merit.
Liking the idea of a photographic order of merit and seeing the quality of video published here too, (if not missed it) suggest same might be applied for that medium too…?