Proximity of rescue helicopter

If you’re set on selling, maybe sell to a friend or family member.

That way you can still go out with them and have fun then when you buy another drone you also have a buddy to fly with :+1:t3:

Oh and I concur with what’s been said about Facebook, personally I can’t stand that ****:wink:

Facebook is one of those evils we know we should give up but can’t. I use it to find out what’s going on locally but I’ve dropped out of a lot of the larger groups because either the admins are dictators or the regular posters are a-holes. My tolerance levels are reducing with age :sweat_smile:

I very rarely post my drone photos to Facebook. When I do, I go as far as checking the flight path to make sure no one’s going to say I was breaking the code. Some people are on there for self-glorification, whoever used your photo being one of them. They are either looking for a bunch of likes to boost their ego or one of those evil bar stewards looking to drop someone in it.

Looking forward to the glorious 1st when I don’t need to check quite as much with my Mini 2.

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PLEASE !! Don’t give up. You made a mistake and have learned from it, now the only directions to go are onward and upward.

After letting the dust settle and re-reading my comment above I can see that my words might have been quite harsh. It is human to make honest mistakes, but totally unjustifiable to keep making these mistakes after being educated. It is obvious that you do not fall into the latter category.

Many of us have, like you, made mistakes in our early steps with these flying machines. These mistakes were not born from a determination to be reckless but from our lack of education, and this pastime/venture/adventure is all about education and being educated.

There have been references to Facebook. Even though I don’t do Facebook I’m all too familiar with some of the personality traits it attracts. However my wife lives on Facebook and epitomises the saying about opinions and arseholes (assholes, she’s an American). When I first read your opening post I initially thought it might have had a trolling aspect to it. But after reading this thread a few times and gaining a degree of a back story from it, it is obvious that this is not the case.

If my initial response in anyway contributed to the thought of you giving up then I really do apologise as I don’t want to encourage anyone to stop doing something they enjoy and only want to get better at.

Referencing my analogy of opinions and Aholes again, with hindsight I was backfiring out of my rear-end and making noise when not needed.

Please stay with us, Colin



That’s why I normally always carry a Go Pro type cam with me, slip it in your pocket for just such events, or even your phone if its suitable type… better than nothing, then after, a few drone aerial shots of the beach afterwards and edit in the camera footage… you accept you were a bit of a plonker (Rodney,:slight_smile: leave it there ands move on… just take a camera with you, perhaps even like my drone it will vid and stills without the rotors running, hand hold like a camera… or take rotors off if needed to run… … lots of options… and dont post on FB unless you want trouble… this is best place to put it but you will likely still get “suggestions”… Cheers

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I’d be inclined to treat emergency scenes as an immediate NFZ and would move elsewhere.

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What you have to remember is that you can only know the situation you are in. You can only guess at what is happening elsewhere. Filming an empty field from 300 yards, you could probably say nothing and no-one is being disturbed. Filming an inhabited beach, again, probably no harm done. But take the helicopter situation. Possible that the ground crew are round the victim and you make the assumption that the heli is waiting. But what if that’s not the case. What if the pilot has dropped the crew and has another call, possibly more serious, to attend with another crew member. Then the pilot sees your drone and decides it’s too dangerous to take off. See what I mean? You can only see one side of the situation. Safest and most prudent action is to stay grounded, legal or not. Just my opinion. But then again, when I’m travelling past an accident on the motorway, I don’t peer into the carnage for a look at the mangled bodies or vehicles. I have no interest in remembering that sort of image.

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I agree with what you say and I thank you for your comments. Personally I have no interest in the carnage, after 34 years working on emergency ambulances, the last eighteen years as a Paramedic. It was more for the interest and to show the skill of the pilot who positioned his helicopter on the beach very close to the cliffs.


DON’T SELL. Give it 'til New Year, things will seem better then.

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I won’t quote the entire response here, but I think you’ve got the message! (@Nidge - brilliant response.)

I admire your candour and it would be a shame if you give up something you love doing.


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It’s been a few days now @paradad just out of interest have you been contacted by any official authorities? CAA, Police, coastguard, air ambulance? In regards to your drone flight? If not then they clearly don’t see that you’ve done anything wrong they clearly know about the flight as it was screenshot and posted on the official Facebook page so I’m sure if they thought any laws had been broke they would of investigated it further and contacted you directly. It isn’t worth selling your kit over that’s for sure. Get that drone back up in the air and show us all some awesome coastal and river views! You know you love it as we all do, so what do you say? Take down that forsale post of yours and get back to flying!? :grin: :+1:t2:


Don’t give up… learn… carry on!

Stay safe

Rather than giving up have you considered doing some training or booking a A2 CofC course, that way you’ll learn how to stay legal and safe in the future and with a A2 CofC be able to fly drones over 250g legally.

Thanks to lockdwn online only training is cheaper than it’s ever been with multiple schools offering sub £100 courses and online A2 CofC’s courses are not much more.

I’m with the rest of the guys here. You have asked advice and received it. For me, that shows a responsible attitude. And all these rules and regulations are only there to encourage responsible behaviour.

Thank you all, for all your comments, good and not so good!
I have removed my drone from the for sale section and look forward to some more videos and stills.
I will try and find interesting subjects rather than too exciting subjects. :innocent:


So glad to hear that. Welcome back … kind of. :wink:

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So glad to hear this Colin you won’t regret the decision. Top tip ignore facebook it’s full of uneducated morons who claim to know everything about nothing. We have an amazing community here who all love seeing your content so post here rather than facebook :+1:t2: and for friends and family setup a whats app group to share your media with your friends and family that way only people you intend to see your media will. Or if you really must post to facebook create a media page to “hide behind” that way you can control the comments and block trolls who comment. Look forward to seeing more of your content in the future :ok_hand:t2: happy flying! :grin:


That has made me smile (and I am in work!)…Well done great decision to stay.

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Good decision to stay. Far better to bin the Farcebook and keep the drone :grin: :+1:

Part of the fun bit of drones I think is the finding good places to fly- e.g. a nice beach on Crown foreshore at sunrise when the tide is low and no-one else is there…


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That’s great to hear @paradad wise decision , welcome back . looking forward to seeing your images/ footage.

Glad to hear you’ve decided to stay in the fold Colin. As many have said Bin “Face-ache”, it’s a place that has become populated by sad little people who spend far too much time in their mums attic looking at dodgy pictures on questionable web sites. . . :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: