Rhonda Southern Spain - April 2023

Puente Nuevo, Ronda’s ‘new bridge’ was completed in 1793, after 40 years in construction and after the loss of the lives of 50 builders constructing the span bridging the 98m Tajo gorge.

Perhaps a bit too long but the bridge is massive.


Impressive video that Chris @ChrisC2. Nicely shot :clap: :clap:

Wow, great work, great subject, epic music, great videography and editing, very impressive, well done!

nice, So two get it clear what ids do you need to fly and take picts in Spain

Thank you so much for your very kind words and encouragement. It means a lot. Very new to editing, and only been flying for nearly four years.
Looking forward to your next video posting.

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YVW, your flying is great, and the editing is also good, I wouldnt have known you were new to it… What program are you using?

Have to do registration exams (Cyprus site Euro 20) and register (French site) and have that registration your drone. Do this well before flying in the EU. Grey Arrows has a long threat on EU registration and flying.
8 also used a down load App called Icarus, same as Drone Scene, to check on any restrictions and FZRs etc
The Spanish police will stop you flying if they find you, but they do not know the law, and you are allowed to fly. Hope that helps.

Thanks again for you compliments. Using DaVinci Resolve. Just in at the deep end and just keeping my head above water on the editing front.
My 1st drone was a Mavic 2 Pro.
You see the theme … always is at the deep end :-)) Story of my life :-))

Hope my last reply got to you
Using Divinci Resolve. Way out of my depth.

Uhuh, DaVinci Resolve is brilliant though… There are a few good tutorials that help get working with it, and I seem to have found my own workflow that allows me to process a video in about an hour - then rendering it takes another hour!

Can share the workflow if you like, if it will help? I processed 5 2 to 5 minute video’s yesterday in about 7 hrs total…

Yes, certainly share your workflow with me. Thank you.
I built a mega computer on 2020, ‘The Beast’ , to do video editing. 32Gb Ram, AMD Ryzen 7 3700X AM4 CPU, Radeon RX 5700 XT 8GB Dual Fan GDDR6 Graphics Card, etc etc and that 4.5min video took under 7 mins to render. Always in excess :grin:

Lol, I have to use hubby’s laptop, which had to be upgraded to run DaVinci Pro, and still runs slowly and jumpily, its a couple of years old and went from 8GB Ram to 24GB just for editing… Next time I shall buy something much more powerful, but atm I have a works laptop, so no point in spending £££ if I dont have to…

Ok workflow… Create new Project
Use the Cut tab to import video first - set frame rate to native if not synched. Import music and front/end card graphic…
Switch to media tab and use the In /Out / Create subclip options - Right click mouse on the timeline - to creat the clips you want to use.
Switch to Edit, bring in the frontcard and add the Title - I use fade on Lower left - then drag the music onto the timeline and then the clips, play arund until happy with the storyline and add transitions - I normally use a 30 frame fadex. Once happy then add the end card and a lower left title with ‘Thanks for Watching’
Check happy with timeline and then switch to Colours tab - use the Exposure and Saturatin tabs to balance colours and brightness - I film underexposed by 0.3 to 1.0 deliberately to ensure I dont loose any detail in highlights, then rebalance in PP.
Once happy with how it looks rewatch and make sure happy with everything.
Go to Deliver / Render tab, select MP4, 4K and Limit quality to 120k, add to render queue and then render it.
Once complete rewatch and ensure happy, if more editing is needed then do it and re-render, dont forget to delete the old version as it will be a biig file…

Hope that helps!

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Many thanks.
My work flow not dissimilar to yours and thanks for the Title - fade on Lower left - and 30 frame fadex options.
You limit the quality to 120k for rendering… what does that equate to … Least, low, medium , high or best?

Better than best, it was something I picked up in a YT tutorial on how to get the best quality from DaVinci Pro when rendering…

Great footage Chris. where do you get your music, is it free to use?

Hi Ozzie

Track is copyright free (to my knowledge) and called “Powerful Cinematic Epic - Gerald Olson”

Cannot remember the site by I searched for “Epic music copywrite free”

Hope that helps.

Great work here Chris, smooth flying and nice edit. :clap:

Cheers @ ColSam458

Help me Ronda, help help me Ronda, brilliant video and evokes many memories of times gone by, loved my few visits to Ronda when driving overseas.
Thanks for sharing loved it :slight_smile:

Great footage that mate :+1:. Nice to see another country in the videos :+1: