RTF Competition - CROPS - WINNERS announced

Welcome to the next Reason To Fly (RTF) Photo and Video Competition - running from 00:01 Sunday, July 4th to 23:45 Saturday, July 17th.

Your challenge is to illustrate the subject of:

As always there are certain rules we need you to follow:



• The requirement is to submit an image, either a photo or video, to illustrate the subject of the competition.
• The subject for the competition running from 00:01 Sunday June 20th to 23:59 Saturday 3rd July is STRAIGHT DOWN
• The image must be captured during the time that the competition is open and obviously be taken by a drone in flight.
• Editing is confined to colour and exposure adjustments and crop only (still) plus zoom and frame rate (video) There must be no removal or pasting of an object.
• Videos must be a maximum of 30 seconds
• Competitors may enter as many images as they wish. Each must be posted separately

• Images must be posted with the following information as a minimum:
◦ Location
◦ Time and date
◦ Aircraft/camera used
Feel free to add any further information that you think will be of interest
• A valid and original Dronescene entry for your image will gain two bonus votes when judging takes place


  • Images will be judged by the members of GADC who may vote for any number of images by means of an anonymous poll open for five days after the closing date for competition entries.
  • Voting in the poll is open to all GADC members, whether they have entered the competition or not. You may vote for all, some or none of the entries
  • Any image that is correctly added to the Dronescene map with details including the Drone Code compliant take-off and landing point will be awarded two bonus votes.
  • In the event of a tie a guest judge will decide the winner
  • The original media may be requested by the judges in case of a dispute.


• The competition subject will be announced every second Saturday. The subject will be chosen by a poll of GADC members.
• An extra vote to the first person to read this rule and mention it in this thread.
• The competition will run from Sunday 00.01 to Saturday 23.59 fourteen days later.
• Voting by poll will be open for a further five days until Thursday 23:59.
• The winner will be announced on Friday, around 19:00

Have Fun!

For more information please re-read this post …

The subject for the competition running from 00:01 Sunday June 20th to 23:59 Saturday 3rd July is STRAIGHT DOWN


Yeah that’s right, this is the new one :point_up:

This must be a bit premature then (my quote is from this thread :wink:)

Am I allowed to fly to my neighbours window and photograph his weed plant?


Might be privacy concerns with that one :rofl:

Well done, you have spotted the deliberate mistake! :+1:

I’m lying of course.

Saturday night, tired and tetchy for a) not being at the Big Meet and b) suffering slight but embarrassing complications following a very recent colonoscopy. A flood of late entries for the competition meant re-jigging the poll by hand with HTML derived from the newly edited, resized images that had been presented. My coding skills are manual and my typing worse. So it took care and care takes time.

So, frigging about with that meant I grabbed last competition’s rules template instead of the one had prepared if CROPS won.

But there is something else newly placed in the rules that no-one has yet spotted …



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One entry per post?

Fully understand a deliberate mistake after the weekend :wink: I was hoping you’d clarify the subject, crops in a field or interesting crops to a photo :joy:

From the rules:

• Competitors may enter as many images as they wish. Each must be posted separately

The interpretation of the subject is entirely up to you. Though the photos used to illustrate the subject so far follow a common theme:


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[grudgingly] Yeah, well done [/grudgingly]

So, would anyone have noticed if I hadn’t pointed you toward it? :sunglasses:

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No never, but from now on I will read the rules, the whole rules and nothing but the rules… :nerd_face:

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Beybridge in Hampshire
Approx 9.30am 9th July 2021
DJI Mini 2


Beybridge in Hampshire
Approx 9.30am 9th July 2021
DJI Mini 2


Beybridge in Hampshire
Approx 9.30am 9th July 2021
DJI Mini 2

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Taken with my DJI Mini 2 this evening over a field near Broad Heath, Gtr Manchester.


There are 3 bonus points for @PingSpike applauding the symmetry, yes?

Yes there are.

Unfortunately there are three demerits for the black square of the tower base in the exact centre of the circle.

Nul points :).

Mavic 2 Pro, 11th July at 17:05 just outside of Horncastle in Lincolnshire


Experimental crops neatly lined up different shades of green.
Near Draughton Northamptonshire.
Taken 12th July @ 18:30
With DJI M2