RTF Competition March 6th to 19th - TALLEST - Winners Announced!

Here’s your coat


There’s the door



◦ Location: Moulden Country Park, Swindon
◦ Time and date: 5pm today
◦ Aircraft/camera used: Mavic 2 Pro and Mini 2

There are quite a few ‘tallest buildings’ already, so I decided to try something different :wink:

The “Tallest Lego Millennium Falcon” :rofl: … and yes, that is Han Solo at 400 feet :laughing:

And no, this is not photoshopped, although I have colour graded in post.

Further details

Dropbox - Han does Wiltshire.mp4 - Simplify your life

The Mavic 2 Pro took did the filming (red line below) and the Mini 2 (yellow line below) carried the Millennium Falcon :wink:


Scales to shit :wink:

I can’t see the Mini 2 carrying more than that little fella :wink:


The building in the foreground is the tallest building I have ever lived in. I had a two-room bedsit on the 4th floor when I first moved to Derby. The buildings in the distance on the left are The University of Derby and the tallest of them is the tallest building in Derby.

It’s a pretty uninspiring picture. It’s poorly framed and would have benefitted from being taken from a little higher. But it was yet another minute and twelve seconds of highly stressful flying. :frowning: Before take-off, the Fly app was cycling through “Takeoff permitted”, “IMU calibration required” and “Navigation error” (it does this quite a lot). Once stabilised, and after take-off, I was beset by signal interference warnings, and only had a very tenuous control of the drone, with it frequently taking an alarming amount of time to respond to inputs. So I basically did the absolute minimum I’d planned and got the hell out. Better a crappy picture than losing control and ending up with some sort of incident.

It’s annoying that having finally gained the confidence in my ability and right to pursue my hobby, I often have no confidence in the equipment. I have started saving up for something better.


Mini 2 with FCC hack :wink:

The Glasgow Tower - Mini 2 - Saturday 19/03/22 06.30am - 6 image HDR.

The Glasgow Tower (formerly the Millennium Tower) is a 127 metres (417 ft) free-standing observation tower located on the south bank of the River Clyde in Glasgow, Scotland and forms part of the Glasgow Science Centre complex. It holds a Guinness World Record for being the tallest fully rotating freestanding structure in the world, in which the whole structure is capable of rotating 360 degrees.


Location: Deansgate Square, Manchester
Time and date: 19/03/22 6.25AM
Mini 2: 6 image HDR Pano

Sunrise reflected off Deansgate Square in Manchester. The South Tower is the tallest building outside of London and is the 10th tallest building in the UK standing at 201 meters tall.

The next tallest tower is East Tower which itself is 158 meters tall, making it the 3rd tallest building outside of London and the 29th tallest in the UK.


Only a Mini 1, but probably worth looking into while I’m saving.


Mini 1 uses WiFi link to the controller, so will struggle anywhere there is likely to be a lot of WiFi activity…and near cell towers :wink:

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Mavic Mini FCC Hack Instructions - v1.02.pdf (293.9 KB)

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Apologies, there may be another photo of this one entered this evening, been waiting all week to get out there!

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@kvetner No worries man. Its a windy one out there am glad I went this morning before it picked up.

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So here’s my 1st entry, and it also is a new addition (by me) to Dronescene (added last night)

( dronescene link - Where can I fly my drone in the UK? - Gilford Mill - County Down - Historic Buildings in Northern Ireland )


Edited to add:
Taken by my DJI mini2
Location - Gilford mill, gilford, Co.Down, Northern Ireland
shot on 16/03/2022 between 11Am-Noon


And a cheeky 2nd entry, also of the same mill chimney as the video entry above (cheeky 'cos I’m not sure if tiny-planet images are valid entries? No photoshopping has been done, just the stitched panarama uploaded to Kuula and then the tiny-planet pic saved from there)


Edited to add:
Taken by my DJI mini2
Location - Gilford mill, gilford, Co.Down, Northern Ireland
shot on 16/03/2022 between 11Am-Noon


Not very happy with my efforts this evening, couldn’t get the angles or timing right.

This is Deansgate Square, which includes Manchester’s tallest building. And Elizabeth Tower on the right. Taken with my DJI Mini 2 this evening at sunset.


Great shot. Where do you go to take these pictures?

This one was from the canal area at Castlefield. I’ve taken off from the street just south of Deansgate Square as well on several occasions. Need to find some new spots!

Use the staires at ///places.sketch.sheet and fly from the car park. There is never anyone up there so you never get bothered.

We hope your aircraft enjoyed the fresh air and sunlight and got a bit of exercise by flying high, the result was a nice, varied crop of images with some interesting stories. And now ids the time for them to be judged!

As always, whether you have a dog in this fight or not, you can vote for all, some, none or one of the entries. The poll closes at 22:00 on Monday March 21st.