Not long had the above did a couple of vids with it yesterday on the 3rd battery the Bec went pop. There was no reason for this I was just plugging in another battery, didn’t think much of it at the time as I have other Bec’s at home.
I am away on holiday at the mo and not home till the weekend hence would like to do more filming so I soldered the lead to the 5v on the board and the ground to yes, the ground. Unfortunately this doesn’t seem to have done the job, so the question is, is the camera knacked or is the pad iv soldered to the wrong 5v ?.
Must admit you do get a beta flight type tone when you plug the camera in but that’s it ?.
You don’t wanna connect the PWM to the cam input. Just connect the 5v and gnd. You’ve shown the connection for an analogue input and know you using a vista for the FPV. Any 5v/gnd will do
All pads marked 5V should be the same
the only anomoly is the 4v5 pads which are basically 5v and work when the USB lead is plugged in, the 5V pads need lipo battery connected to work
Cheers Steve, im starting think I may have blown something in the thumb not sure how. Would you know if the regulater acts as a safty device protecting the what its plugged into or just there to regulate the voltage, reason I ask I found the below but not sure what the OCP is ?..
Answering my own question yes it is, soooooo the thumb maybe saved
Im woundering if its a case I have to solder the PWA cable to the board for it to work hence why its not powering up ??? but surly its just the same as powering fronm the balance lead of the battery…
well just swopped pads more out of couriosity and still nothing, still does that strange tone when I plug the camera in, its as if it reboots the FC as the buzzer flashes also
Flew on Sunday with one, had an nd8 on it and should had used none as the result was quite dark.
Managed to lighten it up on post and gyroflow plays nicely with it. Sample here…
Impressive - Can I ask what software did you use for the ‘basic colour correction’ - and can it do this correction somehow dynamically? Use case - all is great with my ND8 till a cloud comes in mid way of the flight…