Runnymede Pleasure Ground - Added to Parks and Recreation in South East

I have just added this to the map of places to fly your drone at Drone Scene - Location # 631

Land owner permission not required.

No council bylaws present restricting the use of drones or model aircrafts. This park is does not fall under the National Trust either.

From the planning document: Runnymede Pleasure Grounds (RPG) is a public open space on the banks of the River Thames, mid-way between Egham and Old Windsor. It is held by the Council as Trustee and the Trustee function is delegated to the Community Services Committee.

As mentioned in the warning, this park can get busy, especially on weekends. Would err on the side of caution flying here.

The originator declared that this location was not inside a Flight Restriction Zone at the time of being flown on 02/02/2020. It remains the responsibility of any pilot to check for any changes before flying at the same location.


I went there today hoping to fly my new Mavic Air 2s. Had a walk around first to assess the site and saw a notice board with local byelaws… You are not allowed to fly there.

You are not allowed to take off and land there, over fly it to your hearts content

Interesting response to the FOI on drone flying

Looks a nice spot


Their FOI response said:

Our parks byelaws don’t specifically mention UAV’s, but do prohibit Power-driven model aircraft – see 36 and 37 in the attached. We have yet to test whether these clauses would legally cover UAV’s.


But most of all:


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To overfly you’d have to fly across a road to get there

Time to invest in a Mini 2 or alternative

That’s what the Birds think of their notice :joy:


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From the original post adding the location, good access from a boat I fancy

I’ve flown here too @CaptainAdrona :grin:

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Hi @buddikakumara, it looks as though you’re quite new here :wave:t2:

Why not nip over to the Introductions page, and say hello properly and tell us a bit about yourself. :+1:t2: