Same dog, same walk, different part of the route

Details in the YouChoob description

Another part of the route is here

Not sure why there are clicks on the soundtrack, the original mp3s are clickless, the video was rendered in Resolve 18 without any other sound app running.


Really enjoyed that Robert - so peaceful and calming :+1: :+1: :+1:

You and Dogzilla are very lucky to have such a beautiful place to walk - looks like she’s at home in that lovely clear water too :+1: :+1: :+1:

Thank you for sharing :clap: :clap: :clap:

She is a water baby. Difficult to keep her out in most weathers. At the moment it’s very pleasant walking in the sun but we do get winter weather too. It’s a wee bit different with a force 8 or 9 south-westerly driving the rain and spray horizontally. That’s when you find that waterproof clothing is just a myth …

Tell me about it - our dog is 365 day/year walker too though living on the coast in South Wales we get a fair few wet days in summer too :man_shrugging: :joy: :joy:

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