Scaring pigeons

When you say ……

We have terminology for brass in the south are you referring to the same brass as we refer to ? :thinking:

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Mmhhh, I’m not sure captain?
My brass is all the 0.22’s,

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I’ll DM you on that one :joy:

Ummm what is …


Captain Jame T Kirk, of the starship enterprise?
0.22’s are the zero point 22 bullets used to shoot small things like wabbits and pijins.
0.22 of an inch, or 5.6mm in metric for the diameter of the round

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Brass= Money or it does ere :+1:

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Ah & that is what id have had an educated guess at :grin:

Who’s kiry ? :rofl:

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Have that on a metal plate in the shed, shall get a picture of it :+1:

Edit @mynameisjoe Darren thought I had it on a photo somewhere :grin:


What you on about mate :wink:

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Well, looks like we totally fucked this thread?


This thread, Cannii take much more Captian, see what i did there :grin:

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This thread’s starting to defy the laws of physics :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Don’t know about that @JockyB, but it sure as heck has got the winged rats confused. :joy: :joy:


“Ye, canny defy the laws of physics Jim”.

Wondered where you were.

nope only land notified as an SSSI under the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) and listed wildlife on and off theses sites are protected so they inform us via there long list which makes long reading

So If i decided to do in an Oystercatcher for example outside of an SSSI no offence is being committed. :thinking:

What section in the Act mentions your above…

Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981)
Look yourself :laughing:

As you were armed with the specific information, I would have presumed you had researched it, clearly not. :rofl:

I’ll take a along look on a very rainy non drone flying day. :wink:

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