Newbie question (apologies) as I’m still trying to understand how it all works and a bit nervous. I’ve only managed to get out and try my drone a couple of times as it has been windy the last couple of days.
I’m wondering how often and when you use screen recording? I can see the value if I were to lose the drone or if it was needed for DJI care (which I don’t have). Is it something people use all the time? If so, then what do you get from it / what do you use it for? Or just occassionally? In which case, when and why do you choose to use it?
Oh really? I just took out insurance with Moonrock - much cheaper especially when you consider the exesses. I got the drone ‘used as new’ from MPB so less than the usual retail price. Considering half the cost is in the controller which isn’t covered by the care pack, then the cost of the care pack seemed pretty high. I read a bit and people seemed to be saying that flyaways were rare if you were sensible. Crashes perhaps more likely?
Right now I am too nervous to be anything but sensible!
Absolutely - I’d had a quote already but was swithering about whether to taake insurance, then when I saw the discount it got me £10 off so I figured it was worth it.
I have screen recoding on all the time. You can turn it on and forget about it. I find it really useful to be able to replay the flight(s) and record any glitches that might occur. It’ll record strong wind warnings, any gimbal problems, the radar feature showing etc., etc. I enable it right at the start to include pre-flight checks of the settings including making sure I have RTH working if signal is lost. The facility is there and easy to enable, why not use it?
That’s interesting @Andy.S Maybe I will try that to see what I learn from it before ignoring it. At the moment I don’t know what I don’t know … and that makes it hard to know what I need to know vs what I can ignore for the time being.
Can I ask - Do you mean that you test RTH every time eg: fly out and RTH before going further afield?
I do all the time, not only does it tell me exact height and distance it was from me but also what I was doing on the screen and any errors and warning popped up at a particular time in my flight. Not only this, couple of times I forgot to hit record for my flight but because my screen recording was on I didn’t lost complete footage. I also backup all my RC2 and Drone footage to a backup drive.
I don’t physically send the drone out to then test the RTH feature, I just go through the settings (safety > advanced safety settings > signal lost) and make sure it is set to RTH. There have been occasions when the RTH setting has changed to Hover, possibly due to a software update or a glitch but unless I have a specific reason to alter it I ALWAYS check to make certain that on loss of signal the drone returns to home.
There is so little effort in enabling screen record I would say use it. You’ll be surprised just how useful it is.
Thanks - I haven’t mastered RTH yet. The first time I was in my garden and didn’t realise it had to be further away from me so nothing happened. The second time I hadn’t set the altitude to a sensible height and it shot up into the air so high and so quickly that I lost sight of it, got a fright and cancelled it!
Umm not sure what you mean but I meant that I copy all my Drone footage and RC2 recordings to a backup drive so I can later on delete it from the SD cards.
I tried the screen record and you are right - for someone learning it is useful to go back over what you did. Being able to see the height, distance and speed helps me to understand what I would need to do to get the images I would want.
I went to back it up but couldn’t see where the files were when I put the sd card into my computer. It is saved onto the sd card not internal storage isn’t it? Can you help with where I find it in the folders?