I’ve added and formatted a 238GB card to both the drone and the controller I seem to only have a choice of SD card or Internal storage. I have 235GB SD card and 3.1 / 7.9GB internal storage showing in camera tab of controller. I have searched both the forum and DJI manual for “delete files from internal storage” and haven’t been able to find anything that explains what I should do. I am nervous just to try stuff when I don’t know what the outcome will be, I particularly don’t want to accidentally delete any system files, although I would hope that could only be done after dismissing a warning prompt.
So I’m assuming that now I have tapped on the sd card icon and the card is in yellow any future recording/images will be saved to the card and not the internal storage. I have 5 questions
Does the internal storage contain any flight logs or important details that I should save to external storage then delete? - I have a 2TB drive to keep footage on whilst away on a trip.
How do I delete, is it a “move” command or do have to do something after “transferring”
If internal storage and SD card are in the controller, where can I select the drone SD card and should I be setting the card use in any particular priority?
Is there a software setting to auto transfer recording from one card to the next when one is full, or do you get a “card full” warning and have to manually reselect the card ?
I have selected JPEG & RAW for stills, what is the best setting for quality for video?
No, it does not, the internal storage is used for Images and Video, you can select it or select the SD card
Use the format function in the Fly app, this should be done for the SD card as well
The card in the controller is just extending its capacity, you can use it for storing downloaded media from the drone and for downloading maps etc
It’s not accessible from the fly app
If the card in the drone is full the app will inform you, it does show in the fly-app
They will save both the raw and jpegs, The video record setting is something else and depends on your preferences like 4k and frame rate
@SparkyFPV Thanks for your quick response
I don’t understand your answer are footage and Images saved on the onboard SD card by default. I was under the impression it was transmitted and saved to the SD card in the controller. So what the controller labels as Portable storage is the card in the drone, which needs formatting after transferring . And Internal storage is memory that is part of controller, if you add an SD card to the controller that should simply show as additional Internal memory. In which case it doesn’t seem to be seeing the expanded memory on the card. I will be going out tomorrow and having a play and taking some images, when i get back I will study the user manual and see what options are available to transfer the files to external storage. In a camera I am simply used to putting the SD card in a reader and copying the files, then formatting when the card is back in the camera, I think the WiFi transfer is a complication I don’t need if all it is doing is taking the files on the drone and copying them to the controller.
After I hit send I had another thought, there is a USB C connector on the drone, can I just connect that to laptop and move the files from drone to computer?
I am completely unaware of what might be preferred, my preference would be for best quality and for something that has the potential to be edited using what I believe is called colour grading or is it LUT’s? But maybe that is all a step too far and KISS should be followed? Can you point me in the right direction?
The images and video files are stored on the drone, either on the card inserted in the drone or in the internal storage of the drone (selected in the fly app)
The RC controller (if that is what you have) has its own SD card that is to store maps, that’s it
Yes that will work but it is easier to remove the card and stick it in the computer
There is a lot to consider here, maybe YT is your friend
@SparkyFPV Once again thanks for help, I spent the last 15 years learning photography and post processing in Lightroom and Photoshop. Looks like drones will help keep the old grey matter active!