Seaford, Splash Point / Hawks Brow, and a cliff fall

In mid-February a section of chalk cliff collapsed at Hawks Brow or Splash Point, near Seaford in Sussex. This video looks at the sea front in Seaford, including the area of damaged cliff. It concludes with a flight after dusk along the seafront.

Music: Grace Williams - Sea Sketches, for String orchestra (1944) … I don’t normally work with classical. music in my videos, but this piece was played at a concert I went to in Worthing the same weekend. I chose the fifth sketch, Calm Sea in Summer for this video.

There’s a 360 pano here, Splash Point, Seaford and a set of stills here, Splash Point / Hawks Brow, Seaford, E Sussex, and I’ve added a TAOL marker to the Drone Scene entry - there’s a quiet spot just in front of the brick wall at the start of the cliffs, a no through path with a couple of benches and clear views all around.