Shopping channel drone

Flicking through the channels in my hotel and they are selling a HD drone

They said it is a C0 drone that they have arranged specially for their shoppers and no licence or registration is required!

Within 20 seconds of getting the drone you can be flying.

You can fly over the local football match

Doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or a pro the drone is for you!

It has two cameras as well in wonderful HD.

Good to see that C0 drones are now out :joy:

Didn’t actually say how good it was in winds above zero :joy:

This one

Is this from Ideal world tv ?

I think so

Ive seen it advertised it annoyed me so bloody much the crap they came out with

It was something similar to this that got me back into drones a few years ago.

I had used abd discarded a DJI Flamewheel 550 some years previously. The wonder drone was being advertised everywhere I looked on the net, even though I had no intention of buying one. Then I got a tax rebate.

I looked at the spec of this drone and read about all the marvellous things it could do; it was far more advanced than my old 550 with a Go Pro Hero 2. It seemed almost too good to be true. And, of course, the spec proved to be as false as the pictures supposedly taken by the device. Many reviews - from reputable sources - warned against it. My appetite had been whetted though and I began researching the drones available on the market.

My desires increased the more I read.The Spark and the Tello were considered, along with Eachine and HolyStone. eBay was scoured. Every time I looked at drones my budget increased. Eventually I took the plunge and bought a second-hand aircraft.

The carrier delivered the stout cardboard box. Inside was an army green Peli-style case. And in that case was a Mavic Air, with SIX batteries , all the accessories, controller and filters. Definitely came to a sensible shopping decision!


I’m sorry, but with an expression like that I wouldn’t buy a quick shandy behind the barrels from her, never mind a drone.