Show off your 3D Prints

Thanks Wayne mate appreciated :blush:
If you let me know what you need, payment / address etc I’ll DM to you, once again many thanks !

Looks good.

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So i was a lucky boy and managed to snag myself a brand new Ender 3 for 40 quid.

Never had a filament printer my kids got me a resin printer for my birthday last year.

This Ender 3 is an original 2020 version just been sat in a box for 4 years. First task… building it. Now im usually an ‘out of the box’ kinda guy. So this was fun… Fter setting it up I have spent the last few days ‘upgrading’ it etc.

Im liking how its coming along.



Nicely done :smiley:


2nd task show us your first benchy :+1:


3rd task print loads of additions for the printer. That’s what we all do too heh

40 quid amazing. Well done enjoy

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air nozzle for the fan was the first must have I needed

thangs is your friend

Runcam Thumb mount in TPU

For @sachasb


With the canopy of my AR900 Wing flying off at max speed (and tbh been doing it more recently, lost two in Wales last week), @notveryprettyboy kindly adapted the design to add a second hole. Printed a few of them today, and just thought I’d make a timelapse for once. The P1S camera is pretty poor, but hey ho, still a relaxing video. Printed in eSun PLA+ on P1S, with Bambu Standard PLA selected. The supports use a lot of material for this print, but it’s cool printing it on it’s end!! Anyways, for those who got 5 mins to help them sleep and run out of a certain youtubers videos to watch…

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If You Know, you know… :wink:

Tried Clear PLA for this one.

2nd print on my new K1C (after the obligatory Benchy)… :grinning:


Cousin Eddie :wink:

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My son printed this while my printer was being repaired. I used a Potensic Atom SE which is a brilliant drone although I could have gotten away with using a normal camera as the Dolmen was around head height.

This is the Giant’s Ring Dolmen in South Belfast.

70 images grabbed from a video using Shotcut and using the free version of Downloaded as .GLB file and imported into Blender and exported as a .STL. I’ve since paid for the pro version of as I think the software is brilliant.

I took a course on Blender over the weekend so I should be able to create my own .STLs from now on.


15 posts were merged into an existing topic: Just done my first tpu print

My TPU prints are getting better, only processing was removing the brim and supports

May try one without the brim.


I never use a brim and I printed that without supports

Got one on the printer now. Still using supports but then I’m printing at 100mm/s so I want to support the bits that hook front and back as i print it upside down.

Thinking about it, I did use support there :grinning:

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Tree its the future :grinning:

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