Sizewell Nuclear Power Station NFZ


Am I right in thinking all nuclear sites in the UK are, by their very nature, NFZ’s? There’s somebody (on Facebook) that is only using the DJI app. and by posting screengrabs of it, reckons only the plant is covered ie. immediately above it or shots of it from an undisclosed distance. I’ve said ignorance is no legal excuse. He won’t have it though!

I get this from Altitude Angel;,1.6113897,12&ts=4



Our own Drone Scene shows Sizewell as a Restricted Flying Zone. The DJI restriction covers the same area


Restricted Area

Red zones are regulated high-risk areas and operation of your drone may be hazardous or prohibited.

This piece of airspace is in effect between Surface and 2000ft MSL

Restricted Area
The flight of aircraft within this area is restricted in accordance with certain specified conditions. Notes attached to this area provide additional information. Danger, Prohibited and Restricted Areas are defined according to ICAO International Standards. Regulations governing the flight of drones vary from country-to-country, therefore these areas are included for your information. It is your responsibility to check the applicability of any local, state and/or national laws and regulations which may permit or otherwise restrict the operation of your drone in this area. Unless regulations in your region explicitly permit the operation of your drone in this area, we recommend you do not operate your drone here.

Interestingly there is a current flight notification showing a planned commercial flight along the road:

Sizewell Hall Road (Commercial)

Flight report
This is a user submitted flight report. A drone flight is planned to take place here between Thursday, June 24, 2021 2:00:00 PM and Thursday, June 24, 2021 5:59:59 PM in UTC.

About flight reports
Flight reports allow users to tell other members of the aviation community about your planned aerial activity to help improve safety and optionally activate Airspace Alerts.

So permission can be sought and granted.

Here is a map apparently showing closed, current and planned nuclear sites in the UK supplied by the Department of Energy & Climate Change. (They don’t show my once local site, Winfrith in Dorset!) Could be fun checking each location against the Drone Scene information.

Try Drone Scene - it has all the useful Altitude features plus other layers of interest and flying sites described by GADC members - who have flown them and give details such as access, parking and local pubs!


The DJI attempt posted (and subsequently disappeared along with everything else) just showed small red circles over the plant. They had no overreach near by.


Do not rely on the app if you want to fly safe. It has the most basic of NFZ built in and will let you fly within metres of a nuclear installation. I live near 2 and it’s been discussed recently.


Found the thread


Thank you, Andy.

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And people wonder why new legislation is created and Counter UAV task forces are set up. :thinking::roll_eyes:


Flag them to the police & CAA, he’ll soon get it :rofl:


Lol. I’ve thought of it but the evidence has been taken down and I only have his first name! :roll_eyes:

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The actual regulations preventing overflight of nuclear power stations are here:

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That’s great, @kvetner bookmarked in case it happens again! I was amazed at the audacity!

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Genuine question (not because I am planning a flight) but who would permission need to be obtained from to fly near one of the nuclear installations?

The site itself? CnC? MOD Police in the case of Aldermaston/Clyde?

According to the document @kvetner kindly provided a link to (above) it would be the person in charge of the site.

That’s pretty vague, I would suggest an email to whatever address you can find (info@nuclearpowerstation for instance) and take it from there. I would imagine that they would assist if you had a genuine reason for flying within their zone but wouldn’t be receptive to a request for a general look around :slight_smile:


Nuclear power stations are deemed critical infrastructure, all critical infrastructure have NFZ implementation.

Nuclear power stations will allow commercial flights, but you will need to contact the security head. Walk up to the security office and ask to speak with someone, they’re generally a decent bunch, you will undoubtedly need a sponsor from someone on site and very likely you will require an SC either sponsored by your company or the power company running the station (EDF etc…).

Your RAMS will need to be spot on and generally hold specific details beyond your usual…

Just remember the CNC are armed, quick response :laughing:

Nuke power stations on the coast like Dungeness have patrol boats operating H24 just off shore…(Most MOD places similarly positioned lhave them as well).

Thats not the case, my neighbours Drax Power Station are national infrasttructure and have no such restrictions

Slightly off topic but relevant in a way. I live near the Army Military Research and Test Firing Range at Foulness. A pretty remote part of the East Essex coast. Although members of the public can and do live on the land they own they have heavy land and sea based patrols of the area. After Sunday lunch at a nearby pub in Paglesham (great flying area) we drove back along the coast road and I asked one such patrol if I could fly my drone along the foreshore from West to East out of live fire testing times out at sea. He just laughed and said ‘you can try’ and sauntered off towards a parked Land Rover :woozy_face:

Make of that what you will.

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Aldermaston is nuclear defense, owned by the government but run by a company, i.e. a GoCo. You can contact them directly via main gate on 0118 981 4111. The site is massive (with a 5 mile perimeter) and armed MoD police are everywhere. Personally, I wouldn’t advise flying anywhere near the place :fearful:

Sizewell is nuclear energy, so it would be EDF Energy. Maybe contact their Media team.


I used to work at Aldermaston (behind the wire), now work for EDF Energy at HPC.

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Oh I have zero interest in going near them just genuinely curious.

Yup experienced Aldermaston did a 4x4 course not far from there with St John Ambulance and they popped down to see what was up haha.

Same when I lived in North Yorkshire bike ride that went past Fylingdales nice chat with some heavily armed chaps in uniform.

Thank you to all who have responded! I’ve managed to find a little more, his YouTube site! What are recommendations with this info? Dob him in or leave him to it? I’m pleased as I thought he’d succeeded in his attempt to disappear, having had a go at me. I expect his colleague (the drone owner and flier) still has the footage somewhere, he appears again on his YT site and is (fore) named as well. There was no overflying but a trip was taken over the sea to the closest of the water based platforms drawing and returning coolant for the power station.

No sign of the Sizewell footage but I’ll keep digging. Maybe it’ll be posted when they think the heat’s off?

Should post his YT for us all to have a look.

I doubt anything would be done if you were to report it as no evidence it has taken place. Might be good intelligence for CnC or Suffolk Police but other than that.

I would say if the footage appears it’s definitely worth a nod to one of the above.

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