Smart audio wiring on Speedybee F405 v3

Hi all,

I’m trying to set up smart audio so i can change power settings with a switch.

So where do i solder my wire? Is it maybe the ‘data’ pad… wired to a spare UART?

Thanks for your help.

What flight controller are you using and what VTX?

Just so people have a better understanding of your setup? :+1:t2:

Ah yes of course… Speedybee F405 v3

Ok. I have found many pages with this VTX on it XF5805.

However none actually show the wiring. They all do say it has Smart Audio.

Looking at the board I think Smart Audio has to be that DATA pad. It only needs one wire.

So, that DATA pad needs to be wired to the TX of an otherwise unused UART on the Flight Controller. Any will do, just make sure it’s unused by anything else.

DATA — TXx (where x is any UART)… then set Smart Audio up in Betaflight Ports tab on that UART.

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Outstanding… thanks so much, I’ll give it a go.