Some Direction


Iv got to go get ready as Im off out, I can feel her eyes burning into the top of my head :grimacing:

Will test with a meter tomorrow :+1:t3:

Unless we get back early :wink: :rofl:

Bloody will be if I dont get me ars in gear :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It is but when I hooked up to Blheli it wouldnt bring up my ESC ???

Wiring looks good. You’d need 4 faulty wires to not get the final tones, which is unlikely.
My guess is a software problem (reflash and resetup fc) or something on the fc is faulty.

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I’ll test the pins anyway but I know having watched a vid on YT by cyclone FPV theirs an issue with software I noticed they were flashing flywoo software on the FC …???

Just a thought Nick, you dont mention plugging a lipo in. You are plugging a lipo in when connecting it to Betaflight? :thinking:

I am mate :+1:t3:

This may make more sense

Just checking :grin:

[quote=“SirGunner, post:18, topic:60258”]
check continuity
[/quote] check and all ok :+1:t3:

I’m wondering if this is the case :man_shrugging:t3:

What firmware have you got on there at the moment? And have you updated it? Or is it how it came out the box? It does sound very similar to the issue in that video you posted

According to the manufacturer web page is should be this

It brings up my target on BF but not the Hex part at the end… Didn’t think this would of made that much difference as it was the latest version??.

The .HEX is just the file extension (type) its the bit before thats important. What is the target that is currently on you flight controller?

Go to the cli in Betaflight and type in “version” without the quote marks and hit enter. That will tell you what firmware is currently on the FC

it’s be the JHEF bit that’s relevant and important. The HEX as @SirGunner says is just the file download if you get it from their website, etc. I’d assume they’d have this build available on their support site somewhere. Also want the defaults for all the bits and bobs and pins.

Oky doky well tested all pins and they all match up to the corresponding side, I will nip and solder all the motors back on … They seem the same

Just discovered cyclone FPV is 1 of there preferred supplies/repair companies and the is a sting of vids on how to set these things up… Not sure which 1 applies to me or the fact there 2 years old but will help but gotta start somewhere …

Looks like that is the wrong firmware for the board, unless its a newer version thats not mentioned on their web page