SSSI permissions. Trackbed survey

Based on the turn on up spec & take some video of their little train exercise I did on Sunday, the Halesworth to Southwold NGRS have asked me to take a look to see if I could survey the remains of their route from Southwold to Blythburgh (the section from Blythburgh to Halesworth has already been done & now I can see why they did that bit first)

Here’s the issue. As you can see in image 1

the trackbed from the bottom left of the map (Southwold station site) right out to the Bridge over the River Blyth is across common land & the course of the line is easy to follow.

Until you find out that not only is the common is covered by an SSSI

that everything up to Blythburgh is as well.

I know Natural England get a bit snippy if you go disturbing the Great Crested Glebe during nesting season or go bothering the Horny Tailed Toad during its annual migration to Orford Ness so where would I begin to get the authorisation for this.

And secondly, given the amount of flight planning & the use of 2x observers what would be a fair and reasonable price?

Thanks in advance chaps

Someone charged £30 just recently, it might have been you :thinking:

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Half a dozen pictures of a blokes house does not equal four miles of trackbed and applications to naturists to let me take off :wink:

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Natural England have been quite good in the past with environmental flights we’ve done.
Outline what you’re doing, when, why and who for and they can consider any impact.
E.g. flying over a large bird oriented SSSI, they gave permission but advised on what time of year to avoid, and limits on number of days spent overflying. As long as we abided by that they were ok.


Super job, thank you. The chunk on the common I’m not so worried about, it’s that big bit in the middle with the Heronry & the chap from Antiques Roadshow who lives out that way flapping his arms like a pregnant duck squarking “The Birds, the birds!” every time the potential of a little steam railway returning to the area after it’s 100 year slumber is mentioned in his earshot.

I viewed this area on Drone Scene:

Where it contains a link for more information about this specific SSSI:

Following that link through provides this information:



Thanking you. I’ve just become a paid member so I now have access to that.

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It’s a great resource, I use it all the time.

Coming back to your fee-charging question:

What’s your day-rate? And how much are your two observers costing you? Other overheads? Fuel, insurance, cost of your time for pre-planning, time for post-editing, etc. Who is your client? What’s their annual turnover (ie. are they minted?) What’s their budget? There are so many factors to consider :blush:

I was blown away by your last £30 fee, I would genuinely have put another zero on the end of that one :flushed:

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The client has very little money given they are a registered very small charity with limited resources and a friendly Baronet who likes to let them play on his land but doesn’t have a lot of cash to throw ariu s. A realistic price for this would be way out of their league factoring in fhe administrative side. The observers will probably have £50+ a day plus I’m feeding them. Its soon going to start racking up.

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One approach is to work out a price you would charge a well-off client (that reflects a sensible business charge you’d need to make to make a living). Then decide what you think the charity can afford. And then decide if you are happy to make the difference into a (virtual) donation to the charity.

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I think “naturists “ prefer you to take off something

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It’s not a huge drive to get to the Southwold terminus site (about 8 miles) and they don’t so much want a survey but an aerial of the route. They aren’t going to put any track back on this part either so it’s purely for display purposes and to show what is beyond their new terminus at Blythburgh.

This is what their previous chap did on the western part of the line a few years ago. I’m sure I can put something better together with an M3P, an assistant on a pushbike, active track and a couple of spotters.