St Mary’s Church, Greasley, first video attempt, first use of LightCut and first post on you tube!

Having been getting familiar with flying the new drone I thought I would have a real attempt today at trying to create something. Pretty simple and low quality in comparison to some of your guys work, but thought it was a start so here’s my first effort at compiling a few snaps, bit of video and using LightCut to create a manual edit. Any feedback, good, bad or indifferent appreciated. Hope I’ve managed to link the you tube video correctly as well :woozy_face:

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@Buzbysdrone not bad Nigel. Not a fan of jazzy transitions TBH; I just use a straight cut or dissolve but that’s a personal thing. Just keep finding decent subjects and practice manual orbits, straight down shots and the use of the up and down gimbal at the same time. You’ll be knocking 'em out no probs

@D0c.Col thanks for the feedback Colin, much appreciated :+1:t2: