Stirling Castle

This was taken last year, with The Wallace Monument in the background. Had to edit it right down to upload.


It won’t play for me on this Windows desktop at the moment :confused:

Recommend uploading videos to Vimeo or YouTube, then just post a link here :+1:t2:

Then you don’t have to resize them either :slight_smile:

here was me thinking I’d cracked it :roll_eyes: seemed to work on my phone. I’ll try to sort it :+1:

Playing on Windows laptop for me using Chrome :thinking:

Yeah it’ll work on a lot of devices.

And not on others…

And the quality will be dramatically reduced.

Hence the Vimeo or YouTube recommendation as that way 1) everyone can play the video and 2) you can upload it at 4K instead of 0.0000004 :blush:

Cheers :+1:

Fine on mine.

Very standard codecs, too … should play pretty much on anything.


It was 720. :wink:

Anyway, @Trailblazer, this adds the Monument Master Badge to your profile. :+1:

Great! Sterling castle looks interesting. I must make the effort and go there some time

Thanks. It’s a stunning place both outside and inside :+1:t2: The Wallace Monument doesn’t get as much exposure but it’s definitely worth a visit too. Be warned, has a crazy narrow staircase that can get very busy. Well worth it though once you eventually get up to the top :ok_hand:t3:

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Stirling castle at its best and the surrounding area
Very nice

Cheers :+1:t2:

I cant play it

I’m stumped as to why some can play it and others can’t. :roll_eyes:

It’s because you didn’t upload it to Vimeo or YouTube :blush:

Don’t fancy paying for Vimeo or having YouTube account, hence just uploaded mp4. Who’d have thought it would cause so much hassle :woozy_face::joy:

We did, which is why we always recommend uploading videos to a video hosting site :blush:

If it helps, Vimeo has a free tier:

More details:

:+1:t2: cheers never noticed the basic plan :roll_eyes: oops

Done like you advised PingSpike. Still not sure if I done the link right :nerd_face: Flying seems the easy part :joy: :crossed_fingers:t2:


That works :+1: