Summary emails being tagged as spam

Hi, Not sure which section this should be posted to?

Just to advise you that I have received today one of your standard summary emails with the exception that it has been flagged as DANGEROUS.
Please see enclosed screen image.
I have been with Grey Arrows for a number of years and this is the first that has been blocked.
I have deleted it but you should know about such issues.

Best regards

I’d complain to your Anti-virus supplier for wrongly tagging the email in this way.

My AVs haven’t deemed any a problem.

Hi OzoneVibe,
Thanks for your replay. I use gmail so all mail is scanned by the Google servers?

I will wait for the next Summary mail to see if that is OK or also blocked?


@Kev197 thanks for the heads up.

Gmail didn’t flag mine as spam, it came through ok:

If you or anyone else that has this problem could hit the "Looks safe" button please, it might help train the Gmail bots :slight_smile:

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I use Gmail too and my emails from GADC haven’t been tagged either :man_shrugging:

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Notorious for being uber sensitive and flagging many legit stuff as spam.

The only thread that should be blocked is “Today I treated myself to this” it is a danger to your wallet. :innocent: :scream: HNY.


I’ve had replies to emails, sent to my junk email box by whatever spam filter Apple use. Only found this problem after I’d managed to crash my drone 18 months ago. Dropped it off into Heliguy in Newcastle on my way back from Scotland, after contacting Coverdrone about repairs. Heliguy said I should get my drone back within the week. When I hadn’t heard anything after a fortnight, I rang Coverdrone. They told me they were waiting on the flight log and had emailed me several times. That’s when I checked my junk email folder. I quickly phoned Heliguy asking them to retrieve the flight log and send it to Coverdrone ( which they did) Got my drone back a few days later. Bloody Apple :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Thanks for all the comments on this subject. I have just received the latest copy of Grey Arrows Summary and as per all previous copies No Problems. I do not know why the other Summary was blocked but I will always take the “better safe than sorry” approach. Thanks again to all that responded.