Ok, I’m a bit confused. Cracking evening around sunset for flying, so I took the Mavic Mini out to test-run some more features on Maven, and ‘One Click Drone’ which I’ve also downloaded. Found a park bench to set up base camp on, and started setting up, happy, smug even, in the certain knowledg that all drone batteries and the RC were fully charged.
Problem 1. I have two iPhones, a 15 and an 11, and I use the 11 as my flying phone. But I had not powered it off properly last time and it was pancaked flat. No problem, I’m The Johnster, the original belt & braces guy, I’ll just use the 15. Ah. but the RC-phone connecting cable is USB mini-Apple Lightning, and the 15 takes a USB-C.
No problem, I’m The Johnster, the original belt & braces guy, I’ve got a USB Micro to USB-C lead in the bag. Connected up, now we can go through the startup process.
Problem 2. No, we can’t. The app says that ‘The accessory attached is drawing too much power’. End of sports, the gods are telling me not to fly and I’m listening, so I pack up, have a not unpleasant bimble around the park, and come home.
Any ideas, ladies & gents? What accessory, does it mean the RC?. Is there a fault with the RC (this being the 3rd RC I’ve had for this drone, if there is I shall scweam and scweam until I’m sick and I can!!! RC looks to be fully charged, making the correct beepy noises when I fire it up, but Fly won’t let me get past this stage.