The development of Drone Scene continues!

WOW! this sounds epic! nice one Rich, Never fail us :raised_hands:



Well Cletus, I thought of you last week when you posted this:

I thought shit me… this bloke has gone out of his way and spent loads of time contacting local authorities then had to wait two months for them to reply, and, and, and…

But now you can do it in just three clicks and sixty seconds :blush:


Applying takes minutes…Copy n paste :wink: It’s waiting for the council to pull their proverbial finger out, that’s the problem. I would imagine though that they’ve been over run with bylaw FOI requests of late. Serves em right I say :smiley:


And why bother printing out the information?

When some self-important jobsworth or Nimby tells you that there are bylaws against that sort of thing just pull out your phone, go to the Dronescene icon you have saved to your homepage and show the wretch exactly the steps you have taken to ensure you are free of restriction by CAA, DJI, Local Authority and all.

That should shut the wee scunner up!


Amazing as always @PingSpike :clap:


Superb new feature Rich, DroneScene just keeps getting better and better! We really appreciate all your efforts :ok_hand:t2: :clap:t2:


Awesome work, as always, @PingSpike. And well done to whoever had the brilliant idea to link the Simon Hawkins data to the Drone Scene map! :wink:


You guys keep asking for features, I’ll keep building them :smiley:

Drone Scene is only as good as the people who feed ideas and suggestions in to it :+1:t2:


Why not ask them, an FOI on the number of FOI requests

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I see where this is going :wink: … I’m out :smiley:

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hahah and that woman the other daay on geeksvana is gonna charge mminimum £10 upto £150 a month yet you are providing it for free, incorparated what 3 words and lat & long but great work!

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Well done @PingSpike



Nottingham city council my god just a copy n paste crap job on thwere FOI lol! just spewwing nonsense and not a straighht forward yes or no lol

Isn’t that just all councils and mp’s in general? :rofl:


Perhaps we can keep this thread Drone-Scene-centric? The other thread is better suited for Council FOI discussions.
Ta! :+1:

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Absolutely flipping amazing updates.

Drone Scene is amazing … brilliant work!

Is it possible to add in smaller areas that have their own bylaws? e.g. local to me is Beverley Westwood, which although in the East Riding of Yorkshire, and owned by the council, it is managed by ‘pasture masters’ who have set their own bylaws (under an 1800’s act of parliment) - they specify that no drones can be flown on the Westwood, unless the flights are organised by the Beverley and District Model Aircraft Club (BADMAC), and then only in one location.

WOW, and they did that in the 1800’s? What foresight, or was it voodoo?


Lol, oops! bad phrasing on my part … I think it’s been amended since then … last time in when they wanted to start fining people for parking on the verges …
