The Diver and Concrete Barges in Rainham, Essex

At last a rare day suitable for flying.

The Diver is a sculpture by John Kaufman, made of galvanised steel bands on a steel frame.

The origin and use of the concrete barges is disputed but research suggests these may have been constructed as part of the preparations for D-Day.


Nice job ! :+1:

Oddly I was just across the river not far from that location at the weekend staking out a new TOAL site.

Many thanks.

Interesting … I live in Erith, about 1km from the barges, as the crow (or drone) flies or 25km by road!
Where were you looking if you don’t mind me asking?

Around the Crossness area.

I was looking at that area recently using Google satellite maps. The Ridgeway Park area looks like a potential TOAL point but very close to a no fly zone :grimacing:
Did you find a suitable area?

It’s ok the park but very boggy in places if it’s been raining. Up by the river is where I was looking at but there’s the sewage works if you can put up with the wafting stench depending on what direction the wind is blowing.

Plenty of parking along Bazelgette Way and you can access the park and river along the Ridgeway walking path, (about 15-20 min walk).

Ample flying area to avoid the LCY zone.

A rough image below of the parking spot and the blue walking path up to the river through the park. Red area is the LCY restriction zone. You could try a closer residential street but they appeared very full parking wise.

Thanks for that. I’ll have to nip up there at some point. The Thames path runs all the way along there from Erith so I could cycle it and get really close to the river.
Another one for the list :+1:

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Great stuff, whats the best spot to take off from?

Hi. When I made the video I parked up in the car park:

Then walked down a footpath (5 mins max) and took off whilst sitting on a little wooden bench close to the river.

The road leading to the car park is quite narrow so you would need to drive carefully.

I hope that helps.

Adding the info to would be even more helpful. :+1: