As you pass the layby you can not miss it as it is a bigger layby then what you would imagine. Park here and follow the layby round to the right and follow the path down. On the right hand side is a small solid mound of earth and we will be on the other side of it easily visible.
Thanks for the replies, I want to make it a good one. I am putting a bit of work into this one and hopefully it will be a good one. I have one question though. One possibility is in a red NFZ and I have asked permission and the reply back is saying that it would not be possible until after 6pm summer and 5pm winter and my request has been put in. Firstly is this too late for people and also is it a pain to try to get drones with geofence to be allowed in a NFZ should permission be granted?
(This message was sent prior to permission being given but Air Traffic Control have passed it to the next department for consideration). I thew a few mad ones out there and see what I get back regarding permission. There is one place that is interesting as it does have an old building that is not in no fit for repair and sadly will be demolished soon. The land is now up for sale for a couple of million which is upsetting all the locals as they use it for their dog walking etc and if sold it will no longer be public. Want to make a meet more accessible for more people so more have a chance.
Ok this was an arfield that is active during the day but were looking into persmission to fly when it is closed to air traffic. Not to worry, I was a bit adventurous on that one lol. Still looking at others.
Yep it looks like I was a bit ambitious but I have other plans too.
I have one location that may have a mobile chip van turn up if someone hungry lol. Just got a few ideas. The airfield looks like it will end up awkward and costly.
Thanks for the feedback.