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You can weld titanium with a MIG welder. I have one but have never tried it.

Yeah pretty sure thats the case unfortunately. With the Goggle 2 you would have the option of the new O3 AirUnit too but thats gonna be expensive and probably only worth it for a cinematic cruiser

@GunjaFPV knows all about thisā€¦

You only need 2. Threadlocked :+1:

Yes, but I like to have 4ā€¦ not threadlocked.

Even that has no spare 5" armsā€¦ lol

I have an Apex and absolutely love it but its not the easiest frame to fit shit into and its expensive

It is expensive isnā€™t itā€¦ I hadnā€™t realised!

Listen. Some frames prefer 16mm x 16mm bolt patterm. Some 16x19. Something to bear in mind

Some allow bothā€¦


Damn. Just when I was convinced ā€¦ :person_facepalming:

What would be great to see is a poll of your recommended 5" frame, since you are the black belt, ninja, 7th dan, FPV pilots. Whatever frame gets the most votes, Iā€™ll buy it.

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Yeah I think it was around Ā£70 when I got mine but like everything has gone up even more recently :confused:

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I bought motors from bangood cos they implied they were hand crafted from ancient ninjas. Nice buy though. Would recommend :grin:

BTWā€¦ for the opinion of someone with even more experience than any of usā€¦ check out JBā€™s page:

Arh slotted holes. Silly me!

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You clearly have not seen us actually flyā€¦

Iā€™ll be honestā€¦ for meā€¦ Iā€™d buy another Armattan Beaver any day of the week. But if I was starting Iā€™d probably get a TBS Source One.

Go balls deep Chris. Get one that looks the business