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Or go the other way and spend alot on a Armattan frame with a lifetime guarantee :laughing:

This is great info, all the detail that I would have needed to know ā€¦ once I knew it existed and I needed it ā€¦ in one place.

Actually I wouldnā€™t.

My Armattan Frames are generally a pain to get things into. Well except for the Beaverā€¦ that one is a LOT better than previous ones. Iā€™d go with a frame that is inexpensive and easy to get parts on for the start.

It is

Oh dear godā€¦ noā€¦

Again I can hear Chris Rosser screaming in his nightmares.

It good. You just need to filter out the resonance

That is a gorgeous looking frame but would be like a flying guillotine in your hands Chris :scream: lol

ughā€¦ better not to have it in the first place. Thatā€™s one thing carbon gives youā€¦ it tends to soak it up.

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Steve, you are probably right. But if I aim it away from me, Iā€™ll be fine.

BREAKING NEWS: 14 grannies in Lake Side retirement home decapitated ā€¦

It wont get you a speed record, but itā€™ll crash and fly again

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What video system will you be going with Chris? If youre planning on using your DJI goggles make sure the frame you purchase is designed to take a Vista/AirUnit otherwise youll stuggle to fit the parts mate :+1:t2:

Fly, Crash, Bend, Repeat

Remember thisā€¦ there is no such thing as an indestructible quad.

They will all break if you throw them fast enough at a wall or the ground.

There is however such a thing as an easy and cheap to repair quad. That Titanium one is not easy and cheap to repair.

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this :laughing:

Titanium cracksā€¦ I have a crack in the camera cage of one of my armattan quads. Luckily I have that lifetime warrantyā€¦

Iā€™m settled on Stevieā€™s recommendation. It seems solid, thick arms and cheap enough. Sounds like a sensible choice for my first 5". And if I trash it, itā€™s not the end of the world. That will come when I purchase the Prometheus :man_shrugging:

Thats designed to take a Vista so perfect :+1:t2:

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Its a titanium alloy. Iā€™ve trashed mine and the arms are still going. Bend em back in a vice.
Mine is no longer available though. Real6 from realacc

Which is what I will go for. I have both DJI goggles, V2 and 2, so I am assuming I can use them. But also guessing it will involve rebinding each time I swap from this to the DJI FPV or Avata :thinking:

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Hmmm itā€™s okā€¦ I supposeā€¦ Inexpensive at the least.

Not sure about the choice of only 3 motor screw holes.

LOL to the ā€œNever fall offā€ commentā€¦ of course they willā€¦ everything can.

I donā€™t see any spare arms for saleā€¦ or for that matter any spares. Soā€¦ if you do buy this, buy two.

Iā€™d have thought youā€™d be better off with a TBS Source or an APEX?

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