The Great Big GADC 7th Birthday Challenge and Treasure Hunt!

I’d like to draw m’lud’s attention to the bonus points in the Trafalgar Square example.

Amazing list again guys :clap: How on earth do you come up with this stuff, seems to harder year after year!

Totally agree Joe :joy:

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Great set of subjects. Unfortunately I won’t be partaking as I’m currently droneless (couldn’t resist checking out the Birthday Challenge though), but if anyone in the Norfolk area needs a pilot for item 17 then give me a shout!

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There are some poor souls who won’t be able to fly, go outdoors or leave their desks except for brief, timed comfort breaks for the next seven weeks.

Maybe one of them will lend you a drone for the duration?

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It is harder each year to come up with this stuff!

Thanks for your concern


Should be easy enough to get a NI fleg with a Union fleg in the West of Scotland, especially at this time of year.


At last!

Someone has spotted the mistake after that example has been used for this, the sixth AND the fifth Birthday Challlenge. Well done Joe!

Another example of keen-eyed GADC members immediately spotting mistakes is in the RTF competition whose rules include this paragraph:

…them by aviation law, the aircraft being used and the qualifications they hold. First to notice this inserted sentence and notify us by DM will receive a special congratulation at the end of the competition Landowners’ wishes and permissions must be respected. If a…

No one has ever bothered. since it was slipped in at least as far back as March this year :slight_smile:

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This one here,
When you enter do you claim one point at the time of posting or do you only get the point / points at the end of the last subject if that makes sense,
Thank you

I had to get up and recheck that one at 4:30am - my brain had interpreted it as "must be taken within the specified week… :confused:

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Each correctly entered image scores one point when it is submitted.

Best to submit each one as it is done rather than keep them to yourself until the end. Sometimes images may be rejected for non-compliance and, if you submit them promptly and they are rejected you have time to retake them.

(That applies if the whole image is rejected - an image with a disallowed bonus item only cannot be resubmitted)


Hey up we’re off :smiley:
Old water tower tilehurst reading Berkshire ( Norcot Road ) not to be confused with the newer water tower in tilehurst built in 1930’s this one is 1800 ish & grade two listed.


Another wiki

Proof listed building with picture
12. A tower

  • Bonus for not being a church or castle tower
  • Bonus for being a listed building
    • Bonus for being the subject of a Wikipedia article (link required)

21-07-24 @ 11-30 am ish
Mavic 3 classic

Can I claim 4 points please.


21-07-24 @ 11-30 am ish
Mavic 3 classic
Royal Mail DO west reading

Can I claim 1 point please.


You must be out of breath after taking the images, rushing home, downloading them and posting them!

Do you live on Norcot Road? :slight_smile:

It fulfils all the requirements. 4 points!

And thank you for opening the Challenge!


There are seven or more red vans in the picture, one point awarded. Well done! :slight_smile:


Thank you & yes I did rush ( nope I do not live in Norcot Road ) but not far :sweat_smile:

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I think Richard and I were on the same wavelength with this one !

Blackpool North DO, 21/07/24, 12:01, DJI Mini2

1 point claimed :slight_smile:


We thought we would give everyone an easy starter. We have trained you with previous competitions to associate “red van” with “Post Office Delivery Office” :slight_smile:

One point awarded

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  1. A tower
  • Bonus for not being a church or castle tower
  • Bonus for being a listed building
    • Bonus for being the subject of a Wikipedia article (link required)

Blackpool Tower, 21/07/24, 11:39, DJI Mini2

Not a church or castle tower,
Grade 1 listed Tower Buildings, Non Civil Parish - 1205810 | Historic England - see also pic of blue plaque
Wiki link - Blackpool Tower - Wikipedia

4 points claimed please


Doesn’t look like a brilliant day for flying in the north west. :frowning:

But you still get four points :slight_smile:

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Cloudy with a gusty wind, but the Mini2 handled it fine :slight_smile:

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