The Great Big GADC 7th Birthday Challenge and Treasure Hunt!


Also ironic how we both entered towers as well :smile:

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Breaking news!

Birthday Challenge competitiors being investigated under suspicion of collusion …


I woke up at a stadium, but no match today. So no entry.

View from my balcony

Went out today and got a couple of shots in case the entries were slow to get going. But clearly not - so I will post them anyway.

First one I found was red :slight_smile:

9. An Austin 7 (1922-39)

  • Bonus for an open car (i.e hood down) :white_check_mark:
  • Bonus for yellow, orange or red main bodywork :white_check_mark:
    A second photo of the car taken at ground level (drone, phone or camera) would be appreciated.

1934 Austin 7
Mini 3 Pro

Claim 3 points please


12. A tower

  • Bonus for not being a church or castle tower :white_check_mark:
  • Bonus for being a listed building (see note *1 - proof required) :white_check_mark:
  • Bonus for being the subject of a Wikipedia article (link required) :white_check_mark:

Mini 3 Pro

A folly tower, built in 1760 by Edward Phelips V, St Michael’s Tower stands on Mons Acutus which was the site of the former castle.

Listed Building

Wikipedia Entry under Montacute

4 Points claimed


Nice find!

3 points.

4 points to you!

We hope you are keeping the tally on your private scoresheet :slight_smile:

It is up and running :wink:

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As the regulars may know, I keep an unofficial scoresheet.

To date over the last 7 years, we have had 90 members take part.

Collectively they have earned 3,847 points, with 1,384 entries!

Who will earn the 4,000 GADC Birthday point?

The format has changed since Year 1, which saw just one entry from 10 members, with up to 15 points on offer.

@JoeC has entered 5 years running.

All figures are from before this year’s competition.

How many entries and points have you made over the years - the rather small image might tell you


It also seems to be off to a flying start according to our statistician Phil Brindle who cannot remember such an amount of competition activity on the first day of a BirthdaynChallenge


48 days, 6 hours and 8 minutes to go :rofl:

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So you need to complete one subject every two days. To put it another way, score just over two points per day.

Or just go out there for fun, see what you can do and surprise yourself with the amount of tasks you complete in a short time!

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A reminder for old hands and an introduction for those for whom this is their first Birthday Challenge and Treasure Hunt.

Every day around 19:15 to 19:30 the Leaderboard is updated with the cumulative scores and the post of the day is given the @group-challenges tag. If you wish to bookmark the leaderboard for your own nefarious purposes it is always #post 4

Any entries after the Leaderboard has been updated will be scored and acknowledged and the scores entered into the Stor-a-Scor™ until posted on the following day’s board. The day shift then normally break out the drinks at their desks or go down the pub for Babychams, White Rusians or Slippery Nipples.

You are then left with the night shift. Be kind to them. Lost souls, once proud competitors in the first second or third Birthday Challenges, now broken and careworn. They are given the job of machine minding overnight as a sinecure to supplement their meagre pensions irrespective of their worthlessness. Do not expect swift or sensible answers to your queries from these hollowed-out wretches.


The arrival of the night shift. Click-the-Pic™ to find out today’s scores!

1. A pub

  • Bonus for seven or more customers at tables outside
  • Bonus if associated with a notable person (proof required)
  • Bonus if it is a listed building (see note *1 below - proof required)

The Llandoger Trow central Bristol, hence unable to TOAL closer due to number of people.

Claim all above bonus points.
There are 7 or more customers.
Associated with both Robert Louis Stevenson and Daniel Defoe.
It is a grade 2 listed building.

“The Llandoger Trow is a historic public house in Bristol, south-west England. Dating from 1664, it is on King Street, between Welsh Back and Queen Charlotte Street, near the old city centre docks. Named by a sailor who owned the pub after Llandogo in Wales which built trows (flat-bottomed river boats), the building was damaged in World War II, but remained in sufficiently good condition to be designated Grade II* listed building status in 1959. The pub is said to have inspired Robert Louis Stevenson to write of the Admiral Benbow Inn in Treasure Island and Daniel Defoe supposedly met Alexander Selkirk there, his inspiration for Robinson Crusoe. The pub is also supposedly haunted, with up to 15 ghosts and one little green ghoul, the best known being a small child whose footsteps can be heard on the top floor.”

Ref Wikipedia



We are sorry but we are going to have to reject your image. That’s the bad news.

The good news is that we are rejecting the whole picture, not just one or more of the bonus items so you are free to retake the picture or to select another pub.

The reasons are:

It isn’t clear which building in the picture you are referring to. We looked up the pub on Google and we used Google Earth to discover that it is the half timbered building toward the centre of the picture. There are two further pubs opposite on the same street

Above is a screenshot taken from the original 4032x2268 picture at 1:1 size on a 24 inch 2560x1440 screen. It is not possible to clearly make out the people outside the pub.

Street View shows the tables. They appear to be protected by barriers to prevent patrons of the Llandoger Trow from using them but are for the patrons of The OldDuke and The King Street Brew House.

Please accept this with good grace, this contest is a steep learning curve and we have to abide by the rules. As we said before, you are most welcome to submit an alternative picture showing the subject and bonuses in greater clarity.


I’m waiting for 00-01 :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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You’re on your own there, pal!

We’re going up the wooden hill to Bedfordshire in the next five minutes


Night night see you in the morning :joy:

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  1. A motorway or dual carriageway at night
  • Bonus for long exposure (more than 2 seconds) showing light trails in each direction
  • Bonus for motorway or dual carriageway services on at least one side
    BP Services M4 eastbound Reading Berkshire,
    5 second exposure,
    Mavic 3 classic,
    21-07-24 @ 22,15 ish
    claiming 3 points please. ( I’m glad the rules is not about the quality ) :sweat_smile:


Another 3 points awarded Kirky

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