The great big ‘What do you fly?’ Poll - 2017 Edition

Absolutely, @Japester. As @PingSpike said we’re working on an update for the current poll as we speak. If fact we’re looking for new drones to add (so many have appeared since the poll originally opened last October), so if you’ve got any other favourites shout 'em out! :slight_smile:

Well, I’m greedy. Bought a Mavic Pro, early this year, then saw they’d released the ‘Air’ , so bought that on a fly more combo.
Really impressed with the pro, not too sure about the Air, bit lightweight and noisy for what it is. Took it up yesterday, and a gust flicked it about 25m sideways. Something I’ve never seen happen with a pro.

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I now need to add a Diatone GT R90 and another custom tiny whoop running betaflight.

I so got busted, by the other half trying to sneak the R90 in!

I fly a mavic pro and a p3st. and i want to mod both birds.

Just came across this post…nice cases and I will be passing CPC quite often soon so will definitely pick one up.


Here’s my fleet.


Impressive fleet @MementoMori!

Personal fave?? I’m guessing the Spark for connivence and the Insprire for, well, because it’s an Inspire :heart_eyes:

Oh, and I LOVE the drinks coaster in the bottom corner of that pic :rofl:

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Thank you, yes, the Spark is an awesome little drone and as you say for convenience, only had the Mavic about a week so still have to fly that properly yet, the Inspire is a beast, I love it but again not used it that much since buying it because of the rubbish weather, hope to use it more now though as I’ve just bought some carbon T-Motor props for it.
If I had to pick just one though it would have to be the Phantom 4 Pro.

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