Because you’ve already voted.
Multiple choice?
Before you vote, yes.
No photo’s of my fleet as yet but this is a list of my Hobby/Consumer grade of flying machines. I’ve included three of my fixed wings as they are capable of extended autonomous operation.
3 x Vortex 285’s
2 x Walkera Rodeo 150’s
3 x Blade Chroma’s
4 x DJI Phantom’s all with Gimbals
1 x DJI Spark.
1 x DJI F550(H32D, Datalink, Fatshark FPV)
3 x Quanum Venture (1 DJI Naza, 2 APM 2.8)
2 x Simtoo Dragonfly’s
1 x Walkera Rodeo 110
1 x TBS Gemini
1 x Yuneec Q500 4K
1 x Ares Crossfire.
1 x SK450
1 x SK450 Deadcat.
1 x Ideafly Ifly4s with Gimbal.
1 x XK350 Air Dancer 3D (reversing motors)
1 x Assault Reaper 500 Collective Pitch
2 x Wltoys V383’s Collective Pitch
1 x Quanum Chaotic 3D (Reversing motors)
2 x KingKong Hex300’s
1 x Emax Babyhawk.
2 x Parrot Anafi’s
1 x Ryz Tello.
1 x QX65
1 x HexoPlus Action Drone
2 x Thrust-UAV Riot 250R Pro.
2 x Armattan 180
1 x Gen 150.
1 x Vortex 150
1 x Ceewa S1
1 x Blade 350QX
1 x TBS Discovery Clone.
1 x Parrot Disco
1 x XUAV Mini Talon (Pixhawk FC)
1 x Volantex FPV Raptor (Original 3DR APM 2.5)
No Inspire???.
Just got to see a photo of that collection !.
It’ll have to be a pano at 400ft to fit them all in
That’s a crazy list of gear @Nidge
“Hello, my name is Nidge and I’m a dronaholic”.
I try to reassure myself, and more importantly my Wife, that there is a degree of tenuous reasoning behind my apparent insanity. Prior to my forced early retirement due to ill health I worked in a very technical/geeky branch of Government. Finding myself stuck at home, and housebound for extended periods, I needed something to keep my upstairs working so I looked into applying some of my career skills to a new hobby. I’d spent nearly 40 years in amateur radio and become very disenchanted with that whole scene, and sitting on the couch in my underwear, eating chocolate pudding, and watching Australian soaps was not a dignified look for me. I’d done some work with commercial/military drone tech prior to retirement and so decided to checkout what was happening in the hobby world, and there after it just spiralled out of control.
That’s my excuse I’m sticking to it.
Well you’re in good company here !, jesus ,thought I was bad enough !.
You could start a shop up with that lot !.
Hi Chris
If I were to find a suitable “Spares n Repair” Inspire I think I would have one.
Other than one of the Phantoms, the Spark, and one of the Anafi’s, all the other models have been purchased for less than £100 either in silly sales or Spares and Repairs from eBay and swap meets.
Sounds like Nidge that you like “tinkering” with them to get them to fly?.
That is, unless they already can of course!.
You only need 5 drones in the same shot to be eligible for the rare Fleet Operator badge @Nidge
Ok. I think I can manage that. I might post something up tomorrow as I’ve had to retire early this evening due to the protests from my knackered body parts.
Stay tuned.
Do they have to be in a flyable state? Or can there be a couple of bits missing?
When I first read this I thought it WAS the results of the 2019 poll
Lovely whoop. But @Nidge Jees! You got any room for the kitchen sink?
The kitchen sink probably has rotors!
32 posts were merged into an existing topic: Random off-topic stuff
You know what the really sad part of all this is? Since I posted that list back in October the collection has grown even more. My wife had been very understanding but even I, after my recent Poweregg X purchase, have to admit that now is the time to practice drone abstinence.