The Holyhead Mountain Round Houses/Hut Circles

Stunning example of round houses on Anglesey


Wasn’t on Tuesday was it? Went there for sunrise to hit the “circles” RTF.

Just missed the jack up barge being towed into the port afterwards

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@LordEdam if you share the Kuula embed code instead of just the link you get a nicer preview here on the forum.

Also add your images to Kuula as ‘single image’ instead of a tour and you don’t get the thumbnail in the preview

Thanks, edited my post. I thought the photo upload in kuala was broken / crippled on iPad, but turns out I just need to rotate my screen to get the extra options on the right :smile:

Yes it was Tuesday mate, got there in the afternoon when the wind picked up :disappointed: couldn’t get good altitude for a better shot!
What drone were you using?

Mini 3 pro. It was giving the occasional whinge about wind as I went up, and had decided it wouldn’t fly sideways for me but otherwise fine. Still, nice videos you got from the island

Thank you. I was hoping to get south stack lighthouse but no chance lol