The Stadium of Kourion, Episkopi, Cyprus

The stadium of Kourion, located 0.5 km west of the acropolis and 1.1 km east of the Sanctuary of Apollo Hylates, was constructed during the Antonine period (c. 138–180). The stadia at Kourion was 187 m long with a starting line marked by two circular stone posts, set wide enough to accommodate eight runners. The dromos was enclosed on the north, west and south by a free-standing curved seating structure measuring 217 m long and 17 m wide. This structure consisted of seven rows of seating supported by a 6 m thick ashlar wall. Seating was probably accessed by stairs set at 10 m intervals along the exterior. The dromos was accessed through gaps in the seating in the middle of its north, south and western sides. This structure provided sufficient seating for approximately 6,000 spectators. In its entirety the stadium measured 229 m long and 24 m wide.
The stadium was abandoned in later-half of the 4th century. It remains the only excavated stadium in Cyprus.



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