The white horse of Kilburn, North Yorkshire

The white Horse, not an ancient Neolithic monument. Carved out of the hillside in 1852 by a local farmer who thought us Northerners ought to have one after hearing and seeing others. The Forestry commission don’t allow drones, or so the sign says. However as there was nobody around to ask for a copy of the actual byelaw, I took off from the roadside at the bottom of the hill and flew up.


Nice Brian :+1:


A keeper for sure - I like the composition and the sky just sets it all off :+1:

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Excellent shot Brian.

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Nice photos but In a requested no fly drone area there due to glider station .Best to phone for permission there before flying.

Assuming common sense prevails, you’re fine to fly in that airspace @ORB

I tried a couple of years ago when I was still green, to call them when I wanted to fly my PA3 from a local campsite.

No answer on a bank holiday, no big white gliders in the sky, common sense won.

*I’d keep an eye on the NOATM’s though the Typhoons like to zip low and fast through there (especially on Thursdays)

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I had reconnoitred the area a few days beforehand. No answer on phone so went to the glider site and no flying taking place that evening.
I’d had no NOTAMs for the area, the only restriction was the forestry commissions ban on drones taking off from their car park. As a responsible flyer of drones,and a paramotorist, with common sense, rather than bring any disrepute to our club and the drone community I decided to take off from down in the bottom of the valley. I’m not even sure why I’m having to explain every little detail.
I think I may have farted once or twice as well, but as a responsible member of F.A.R.T (Federation Against Rectal Turbulence) I ensured I stayed downwind of any members of the public who may have been offended by my rectal rumblings.


No mate, I’m not sure why you are either :rofl:


Looking on the positive side. I’ve been flying for over 4 years now, and these checks that we carry out before flying any piece of equipment tend to come as second nature and almost without giving a second thought. It’s a handy reminder from ORB for any newbies or anyone wishing to fly responsibly of the need to check the NATs, NOTAMs, weather and any local restrictions beforehand rather than just ‘rock up’ and fly. That’s how I will view it.


A fart is but a spout of wind coming from the heart,
But when it takes the downward course its often called a fart,
To fart is but a pleasure, to give the bowels ease ,
It scents and warms the bedclothes and suffocates the flea’s.


Ah, a fellow officiando.