Trying Street Photography

I think you should substitute the word “trying”, with “doing”!!!
Some fantastic shots in here guys. I’ve wanted to try street photography for many years but it always takes me too far out of my comfort zone. Not because I’m worried what people might say to me, but I can be rather hot tempered and I’m sometimes afraid of how I will react if confronted. Using the drone the last couple of years has chilled me out somewhat, so I think I am going to give it another bash, cheers for the inspiration :clap:


These are crackers mate! 🫶🏽 love that scaffolding shot!

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Understandable buddy, try a longer lens to get warmed up. People don’t mind, not ones I’ve come across anyway. Maybe it’s the sort of people I shoot, I don’t know. Look for the quirky ones, the ones that expect to be looked at. If that makes sense.

Also in big city’s, people are use to tourists taking photos and don’t bat an eye lid. :ok_hand:t4:

3rd photo down, is it me seeing things, a lookalike or is that Chas dingle :thinking: from emmerdale

if in doubt, just ask, people are normally quite willing…
If they say no, just move on.

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Haha, it could be :smiley::joy:

Mate it’s a dead ringer ! :smiley:

Photography Trip to london last weekend…


I’ve got a lot more confident of asking people if its ok to take a picture. Normally those types are easy to spot, dressed to stand out! Most are ok, although I’ve fallen foul of being asked where they will end up and not having a card to give them, so need to get that sorted. Some say no, but that’s fine, wish them a good day and move on.

I don’t deliberately go out of my way to photo people though, unless it adds to the scene generally or looks like it may tell a story. I’m getting better at it. Have always preferred shots without people or tried to photoshop them out!

As Steve says a longer lens or zoom can help if you want to be inconspicuous.

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I’ve just spent ages counting every set of images for the 3rd one down looking for Chas Dingle. Only to be told that Chas Dingle is a female. Sorry but do not watch Emmerdale. Doh!

If I get caught or I’ve asked and they’ve said yes
I’ll approach them ask if they have instagram and let them scan my QR code.

Quick, simple, easy. :+1:t4:

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a street photographers dream :heart_eyes:

Some good ens the dude :+1:t3: what phone you using???

Don’t suppose you could post a pic of the dreadlocked dude with guitar in a bit higher resolution? Or send it to me if you’re ok with it? Think it would make a great B+W and would like to have a play for my own amusement

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@BigDog I’ll be surprised if any are surely?

Knock yourself out, here are the RAW’s :smiley:

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I wasn’t sure who this was aimed at… I don’t use my phone, I shoot with Sony’s A7IV :+1:

Would any of you have suspected there was a woman on the otherside of the road under the costa window between the umbrella and his face in a ghastly yellow outfit if I hadn’t told you.

The new remove tool in Photoshop is great (don’t need generative fill for simple stuff like this) now literally just paint over the bit you want to remove and they are gone!

It totally ruined the shot of the old geeza in what was a ‘one shot chance’ before traffic also spoiled the scene as the lights had just changed!!

Normally I try not to remove stuff from street photos, but she had to go!!!

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