Twitchers Welcome Birds and More Birds

These are unbelievably good phots… are you using a hide to get close withe out disturbing the wildlife?


Very kind… 90% of my shots are from hides in various RSPB’s across the Somerset Levels.
I’ve not quite reached the ghillie suit level yet. :joy:

“Steve after his next birthday” …

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I do have a similar lens cover :laughing:

Helps with catching the birds :eagle:

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Thanks Rich. I wish I could say it was planned but I took a burst shot of the crow and this one just happened to be the best composition. What can I say about the pigeon? Just a TART!! lol

Thank you Steve. The puffins and the shags were taken in the Farne Isles. Definitely worth a trip across if you are up that way.

Here are a few more. Not exciting but birds notheless.

Starling & Pigeon



Female Siskin

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Fantastic shots Steve.
Couldn’t help run one through DeNoise AI


Not heard of one of these… UK bird I’m guessing?

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Do like a good pigeon shot :heart_eyes:


I tend to use DeNoise AI nowadays, but this is an older shot, edited before I started to use it. Have you tried the Topaz Sharpen too? It is amazing.

Yes, this one was taken in mid-Wales.


Just got that and only ran a few through it. Not been impressed yet I have to say. :pensive: I’ve heard amazing things though.
Out of curiosity what order do you use them all?

Raw straight into DeNoise then into Lightroom is my routine atm.

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It’s hit and miss. I have found it to work as well for denoising too. I have had a few successful outputs, but it’s not as good as DeNoise. GigaPixel AI is pretty good too - but it’s not an Adobe plugin, like DeNoise and Sharpen AI. I’ve used it a lot and it works well.

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I’m glad it’s not just me, I put it down to the photos that I was working on. I will keep playing with it though. :+1:


I have found it works really well on images that are a bit soft due to camera movement. This have definitely saved some images that would have been binned.

I have pretty much stopped using LR atm. My general workflow is to pull into PS (ACR), make the adjustments and use Sharpen or DeNoise from within PS. I have occassionally used DxO PureRAW as well, but I have not come to a decision on that yet, although I have read good things.

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Recently bought myself a decent camera (Sony A6600), so practice shots more than anything. Straight out of camera jpegs, not played with the RAWs yet…


Great Spotted Headbanger




Not exciting? :thinking:
As a devoted twitcher, I never find even the commonest of bird (Gulls in our area - locally referred to as S#ite hawks) fascinating to watch…


I am really impressed with the quality of pics in this thread. love em.


From last year…


I tried uploading one more but get this response:


any ideas ?