I have just added this to the map of places to fly your drone at Drone Scene:
Land owner permission not required.
Parking available at the visitors centre at the other end of the beach or any of the numerous spaces at the side of the road.
The first 30 seconds of the video is this location.
The originator declared that this location was not inside a Flight Restriction Zone at the time of being flown on 25/05/2023. It remains the responsibility of any pilot to check for any changes before flying at the same location.
Superb video, amazing landscape, brilliant music, loved it…
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A part of the world I’d very much like to visit … but the 600+ miles for me to get there won’t be on pushbike! (That kind of stupidity was done in my teens, 60 years ago. Cannes and back.)
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Lovely place, we even had some great weather.
We only started cycle touring after turning 55, about 7000 miles ago. Its a great way to see the world, very slowly of course
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Great video of the beautiful Scottish countryside. We love Mull and I can’t wait til August, when we’re up there again.
Great music too
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