Vertical shot of boats at a mark,

Shot last week in Mounts Bay, vertical of boats rounding a mark


Unusual but very effective

As I played the video I thought, don’t I recognise those dinghies, looks a bit like a Scorpion ( I built one in 1986) and then I saw the title! Wonder if mine is still around, it was at the Nationals at Sidmouth a few years ago. Interesting view.

whats the number ive got the results here

I wish I could remember! I wanted the 2000 number but something like 1996 was alloted and has been renamed, I called it Strydor.

Hi Jon, I just realised i didnt reply to your last message,

1996 wasn’t at the nationals this year i’m afraid

Why do i always feel sorry for the one that’s last :frowning_face:

HAHA don’t they are out there enjoying themselves in fleets like this, They have no aspirations for winning just enjoy the sailing and the social

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Great subject nicely shot !

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Thanks Lee.

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