Viewing videos in posts on the GADC website

I’m sure in the past I could just click on a video within a post on the GADC forum and it would play. However, when I do this now, the video plays but without sound. If I click on ‘YouTube’ at the bottom of the video window it opens in YouTube and with full sound. Any suggestions please?

Works for me on Chrome / Windows - what are you using?

All fine on iPhone and Mac for me

All fine Android and 3 different browsers.

All YT posts, or a specific YT post? If so, can you provide a link to the offender. :+1:

Have you accidentally muted the inline video player?

If you do this it will be mute while playing inline but still respect whatever volume settings you have in YouTube when you watch it on there.


Thanks for your quick responses. I am using a Win 11 PC. I have just done some testing, GADC works perfectly in Firefox; the videos play with sound from within the post. Tried on my iPhone using Safari, again no problem. Logged in to Mavic Pilots and the videos play with sound from within the posts. I have tried playing several videos from within the GADC forum but none of them had sound. The problem seems to be some sort of issue between my settings in Chrome (using a PC) and GADC. I should add that the problem exists at my end and not GADC.

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in case you have not checked - right click on the browser tab of the site - you should see in there if the site/tab is muted or not


Cedric, brilliant! That’s what it was and I have no idea why this happened as I didn’t know that you could do this. Thank you and thanks to you all for your suggestions.

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