Just thought I’d mention this which I only stumbled across yesterday, which had me thinking at the time ( is there a sensor problem ) but there is Not, on checking my flight data I have not realised this has been happening every flight when hand launching,
So just incase any others may get this & the reason why, many may know but I did not until I figured out why,
When your hand launching your drone & if it has vision sensors underneath, if your hand is blocking the vision sensors & you get the voice saying ( home point updated ) then you go to launch 9 times out of 10 or at least on the mavic 3 it says ( vision sensors blocked ) only after your home point has been updated & you’ve already launched ,
Which just incase you didn’t know is no need to worry, it’s because of the above basically,
I thought I’d put this out there just incase others have experienced this & is No cause for concern,
Once it takes off a few seconds later all is good sensors are working, did check to see if this had been mentioned first but could not find anything,
Was more of an educational thing.
Edit, it does make sense if your hand is over the sensor / sensors but does not warn you until you’ve taken off !
So why doesn’t it do it when launching from the ground, as the ground will block the bottom sensors. it must be the positioning of the hand when hand launching.
That’s what I thought, as the hand is covering the sensors completely maybe, but slightly off the ground when launching from the ground, Is or was my theory behind it.
Could well be the case there, sounds right,
I did find Airdata as above, I also have Airdata where on another occasion take off from landing Matt where it said vision sensors blocked,
So is it maybe something & just pure assumption here, where it basically only tells you what it wants to tell you as & when, maybe as with DJI so to speak, is not always accurate or fall proof.