Walksnail Goggle X & tiny whoops

Hi guys, been looking into this recently - watched some very interesting vids from Ciotti as he spent a quite some time recently trying to sort out a digital tinywhoop - and admitted he kind of failed to find a viable solution (they are too heavy compare to analog)
So - analog tinywhoop it is (likely the mobula 6)

Funnily enough - Caddx released this week a free expansion module that includes an analog external receiver connector and supposedly solves some compatibility issues.

It should arrive in the next couple of weeks so looking at what else I would need

  • an analog receiver (likely Foxeer Wildfire)
  • 2 SMA antennas for it

Now something I kind of just read about - looks like I will not have any DVR in the goggles (known Goggle X ‘issue/restriction’) - also pretty sure there is no onboard recording with analog (if somebody could confirm)?
If so - is anybody aware of options to get a DVR hooked in there - surprised not to find this more widely discussed online so not sure if I missed something :wink:

Analog tiny whoops don’t record onboard. Do you need the above and an analog receiver strapped to your goggles? Seems like a lot to have hanging off, especially if you need to then output to another device to record the dvr. Sounds like a better option would be a cheap set of analog box goggles :person_shrugging: even if it just sits next to you and records. I didnt have much look with the mob6 2024 2 died on me so I have the air 65 now, its cheaper and has lasted longer so far.

Also, you have to remember Ciotti’s version of a digital tiny whoop would be the ultimate digital tiny whoop. I am sure one of his failures would be amazing to us normal flyers

Thank you - yeah - seems it could be heavy to have it all on the Google - I could move it to a ‘mini ground station’ with a longer HDMI cable mind but this DVR issue would still require some extra hardware. Looks like another set of analog goggles may be a better option as you say.
Will look into the air 65 :slight_smile:

@Schnauzer_FPV - ordering the Air65 ‘racing’ (I strongly suspect you have the same one :wink: ) - what batteries would you recommend - the 270 or the 300mAh?

I use the 300’s for the flight time but the 270are ok and a bit lighter.

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@Earwig the op is the thing I was talking about earlier that’s free upgrade for you (though guess analogue a downgrade you don’t want lol), but still a freebie.

@bmsleight these yours too?

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Yeah - cool stuff from Caddx (would have been nice as an internal board upgrade but still :wink: )
Also brings the head tracking control of the Walksnail gimbals :slight_smile:


I’ve not got goggle-X. I brought the old version just before the price when down.
Hmm - head tracking woud be cool.

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I bought one of these mini DVR boxes a while ago. Another thing to charge but pretty cheap and works fine for when you want DVR. They just go in-line on the av jack so could go between your receiver and goggles.

Also I have the Air65 Freestyle and can also recommend them, been great so far!

edit: dead link

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Looks like Ciotti has more work coming up - HDZero has a new superlight AIO - just a couple grams off analog :metal: - still getting superhot though so likely less efficient but going in the right direction :slight_smile:

I got a mob6 eco during last Racegow and that thing burns burns burns and battery about a minute less than analogue equiv. It’s great got it all on one board but at 100 dollars… 1 esc blows (and they blow a lot…) eek that’s a lot.

I don’t even use analogue 5 in 1s. Though may be tempted.

Let me know what DJI have a 1S vista AIO… Never lol

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I was leaning towards walksnail for my first digital system but the HDzero AIO has really got me reconsidering especially with the quality of the goggles and the analog module.

Goggles X with analogue now there. HDZero if you a racer and maybe for whoops (but analogue still slightly slightly smaller)

Walksnail way to go imo, plays nicely with other systems and a bit more solid.

Or get the HDZero goggles as they are lovely and a walksnail vrx haha for the larger ones

Ah OK but Goggles X or Avatar HD goggles? Are the X worth the extra money?

The X are great but consensus seems to be a new v2 version will likely come out soon that will include this expansion board functionality (new 9-axis head tracking and analog module support) - not heard anything about the lack of dvr though…

I was watching reviews of analog goggles and found the hdzero one mentioned quite often - Bardwel, Mads,… are really raving about those - quite expensive though

Yeah once you buy the goggles and add an analogue module it not cheap.

Then if you want walksnail add the module. All those antennas… Eeek adding up.

Though if you like those OLED style goggles the HDzeros are great!