Since the weather was not too awful, I decided to take my new Walksnail TinyWhoop out for a fly around the house.
It anyone has suggestions on how to rid myself of the juddering then I’d welcome them.
Since the weather was not too awful, I decided to take my new Walksnail TinyWhoop out for a fly around the house.
It anyone has suggestions on how to rid myself of the juddering then I’d welcome them.
I’ve changed the stubbies for longer antennas. One of them is the transmit as I’m sure you know
P term too high?
Hmmm, it appears that I had the 65mm whoop preset on the FC still. I’ve changed to the 75mm one. A flight around the house was good. I’ll have to try it outside tomorrow.
Switching to the 75mm profile fixed it. It now flies a lot better.
And the same flights with one of my 65mm HDZero TinyWhoops.
Conclusion, the image on the Walksnail Tinywhoop is better, but the HDZero Tinywhoop is easier to fly. Is this because of the latency or the quad?
Objectively it looks like youre flying the Walksnail more confidently when you go around the front of your house Richard. Surely the next video will have a bird table gap trick thrown in
Yes, the visual display at the front with Walksnail had no break-up at all, until it went really bad. This probably helped me a lot to have confidence.
However HDZero gives you a lot more warning about break-up about to happen. You can still see through the snow right up until it completely blocks your view. This may be about the same time Walksnail also becomes unflyable.
The latency in Walksnail was really noticeable however, even when the quad was close. I definitely felt more in control with HDZero than I did with Walksnail.
This really does confirm what I already expected… Both systems have their places for my preferred flying… much as Mr Steele uses DJI for his cinematic stuff and analog for his flippy-floppies… though I dream of being half the pilot he is.
It’s nice that I now have the choice at a cheap(ish) price-point. The second hand Walksnail VRX was just over £100 (inc postage) and the goggles I’m using it with have super-clear displays and so many other fancy features…