I have just added this to the map of places to fly your drone at Drone Scene:
Land owner permission requirements unknown.
There's a little spot on the waterside path (indicated by the marker) which is ok at quiet times (when the museum is closed!) At other times it is likely to be too busy.
As well as views of the waterways museum, there are good views of the Ship Canal, across to Liverpool, and of occasional interesting boats.
The originator declared that this location was not inside a Flight Restriction Zone at the time of being flown on 21/07/2019. It remains the responsibility of any pilot to check for any changes before flying at the same location.
Just an update to this location as its one I visit regularly and is a great place to fly for the ship canal. But recently Ive started seing a lot of issues with undesirables. At the moment I wouldnt be going down there by yourself with expensive drones and cameras. Even during the day is starting to become a problem.
You would probably be ok with 2 or more of you there. And its not the locals that live in the apartments or people visiting the cafe or walking dogs that are the issue. Ive only ever had positive interactions with them. I work with some of the people in the apartments and the police are having to deal with a lot of antisocial behaviour in the area.
Yesterday evening it was people throwing snowballs at me and the drone while I was flying. Previously was people being agressive looking for trouble, someone minding their own business flying a drone is just a magnet for people like that.
Sorry to be so negative but its important for people to consider before heading down there.
Thanks for the updated info John @UAVShipSpotter - always good to have information like this available.
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