What do you do about complainants while flying?

Because Karen won’t read it, they have their opinion, it won’t be changed, they are just Karen.

In my years of flying there are 2 types of people who approach, those that are genuinely interested, and Karen.


The last sentence definitely.
I’ve never had someone come up to me unsure if i should be there or not. They’ve decided that a long time before making the approach.

(You can normally tell the ones that decided you shouldn’t be by the way they walk towards you)

I do have a standard speech of “yes im allowed to be there, there are no restrictions, the drone is legally flying in A<>” which i give but its usually ignored and met with “no you cant”. At which point i simply ignore them.
I’ll usually turn the voice recorder on the phone on just in case i need to document anything.

I’ve had a few “im calling the police” to which i respond “Please do so, i’ll continue flying and wait for them so they can educate you on the laws”. Spoiler:- None actually did call them.

Having said the above, 90% of interactions ive had have been from people curious or genuinely interested and were friendly.

The most bizarre one of those ive had was flying from the barrage in Singapore and sensed someone behind me, turned around and it was a fully robed Buddhist monk. Said hello, asked did i mind talking to them, i said no problem and 11 others, all dressed the same turned up to look at the screen and talk. Very interested and fascinated by the technology.
Ended the flight with a group photo.
Easily the most surreal flight ive done - Marina Bay in Singapore with an audience of Monks in full costume.


Must be different people who have approached me then with only the small minority being a genuine Karen.

I’ve found even if they’ve come up to me thinking they’ve got a genuine grievance in their tiny brain, once you give them some text to read that looks genuine, whether it be up to date or not, and they are TOLD to read it, assertively of course, I just carry on flying, a little doubt creeps into their conviction to challenge you.

The question of this thread was how to deal with Karen’s. Some pilots may not have the confidence to tell someone to do one, so the card and maybe some facts thrown in like some of the above posts, is maybe just there answer to deal with some.

Peoples personalities differ, not everyone has the inclination or ability to spark someone out at the drop of a hat. The less I get wound up with them, the more I can enjoy the rest of my day :grin:. Took me years to learn, but hey, I got there​:wink:.


This :arrow_up: 31.December.2020 to be precise. The card says start of 2021. If you’re going to present facts to Ken & Karen, best to get it right.

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Here’s the original version of those PDFs where the QR codes actually take you to proper pages and not ‘Geeksvana’s’ own vanity project.

sub+250g+flight.pdf (385.4 KB)
Article+16+Authorisation+Flight.pdf (385.8 KB)


@gnirtS I don’t know if you have ever watched Joana Lumley’s Asian adventure… The highlight is that she meets the Dali Lama and at the end of the show gives HHDL a drone much to his delight.

Perhaps your monks were doing research… :rofl:

Thanks for the PDFs @firstadekit


Just point out that it is an offence to distract a drone operator.

Ask them to wait until you land.


Thought that was a popular misconception :man_shrugging:


There is not a direct offense but you could be charge under other legislation.

Alao they dont know that.

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It’s been discussed and answered before.

It’s been talked about loads

It is. My (2019) comment linked by Clinky above was wrong. Article 240 of the ANO doesn’t apply to drone pilots, by virtue of Article 23:


Although 241 does :wink:

What questions do you most get asked by passers by?

How much?
Where did you get it?

what else?

{I was going to add a list of the obvious questions and answers to the rear so I can eliminate the distractions}

I like the cards, really good idea.

“Can I wave at it?”

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“Are you flying a drone?” is what most folk ask, as they can see me with a controller in my hand but can’t see a drone in the air. They are probably also looking at the blank look on my face staring at the sky, wondering where my drone’s gone this time :joy:


… No I’m just stood here with a “game” controller in my hand in the middle of nowhere trying to concentrate… It’s like if you stop in the middle of the street and start pointing up a the sky… see how many people stop to look (and then you just walk off) :slight_smile:

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Maybe I’ve just been lucky but I’ve yet to be approached by a Karen while flying :slight_smile:

All my interactions have been of the ‘how much, where do you get one, how long/far will it fly’ type - except for one lady who loves it when I show up when she’s there as she knows she can have a sit down while her dog tires himself out running up and down the field chasing my drone :slight_smile:

