What do you guys do with the footage..?

Ah ok. What made you decide to use KDENLIVE instead of something like Adobe premiere? Is it much easier to use?

I haven’t started editing footage yet but the adobe one looks quite complicated…

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I love this reply. Hoverboard or jetpack…hmmm, it’s a tough one, though i think i’d go for the new iron man style jetpack soon to be used in the military: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suHOLFhbwsM&ab_channel=GravityIndustries

It’s weird how the younger ones can’t fully appreciate what they have or what is around the corner, but you can. Consider yourself lucky.

Enjoy the future… we’re living in it now! :joy:

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@cristoff Depending on your computer spec, knowledge and finances there are a few video editing software suites that are pretty easy to get on with for the beginner.

  1. Wondershare Filmora x Easy to use which comes with some basic transitions, titles etc in the package as well as some free ones on the Filmstock website. If you subscribe there is a comprehensive library available too.

  2. Da Vinci Resolve, very popular but slight more complicated than Filmora X. Again comes with a library of titles, transitions etc but is quite processor hungry, hence the decent spec’d computer. I run a late 2015 iMac and it struggles.

Those I think are the two most popular free programs but others may have a completely different point of view :wink:

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Interesting. thanks for the reply i’ll consider them!

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I also use Kdenlive- doesn’t require a huge amount of resources to run which is a big thing for me! It’s fairly powerful and does a lot more stuff than I’ll ever need- the included tutorial online is a must and shows you with a little bit of knowledge how easy it is to edit and add transitions/titles etc!

I film everything when I’m in the air, and have started taking more pics of late as the kind of footage I have in my head always ends up different to what I have to edit with! Plus you miss things (or I do… a lot) when flying so lot easier to see it on a huge tv after!

I like seeing things from a different viewpoint, and getting cool shots/vids from above.Still very much an amateur in terms of colour editing etc! Normally I take the same pic trying loads of different exposures and pick what comes out best ! Manual HDR is hard as the mini moves too much between pics and just ghosts everything.

Kdenlive really isn’t difficult to pick up the basics, good luck :wink:
Kdenlive/Manual/QuickStart - KDE UserBase Wiki

I think the point about adding to an existing skill set is spot on. Not that anyone cannot learn a new skill… don’t mean that at all.

I have a background in photography and video. I sold the last camera gear to buy my drone to views and angles of what i already knew i wanted… easier said than done for a newbie to get, admittedly, but having a ‘reason’ to fly makes a big difference. I got most of my pleasure from photography when i had a job to cover. Going out just to take photos for own viewing was not nearly as satisfying for me.

When i saw the stability of the Mini 2, even indoors, it made me think that it could take the place of a jib (an expensive and cumbersome piece of equipment to hold a camera at the end of a beam and turn too) for me to take a sweep video partially around a product (new project design of a CNC machine my brother is building) In fact it could get to an area that a jib would struggle… esp in one take.

I just need the skills to come up to it in operating it smoothly enough.

At present the flying aspect alone is enough to warrant ownership… it is fun but I know I will get bored if I don’t have some video or photographic challenge in using it later. I don’t have a stills camera any more and substitute my phone occasionally… a heretical thing in the eyes of ‘proper photographers’ but i don’t have the impetus to carry one (ok on occasion i do sometimes wish I had a little more photographic control than my phone allows but not enough to purchase something I know will have little use)

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The challenge is here now. Every 14 days there is a new RTF photo and video challenge.

RTF stands for Reason To Fly and it was started to give people a reason to fly in the Covid unpleasantness.

Check out the current one (which ends this Saturday night)

That may be a little short notice, the next one starts on Sunday. The subject for each competition is chosen by vote so, if you want to influence that head over to The next RTF competition subject - July 4th to 17th - CROPS! and cast your vote!

(Timings might be slightly awry this weekend as both the promoters will be in a field near Tamworth with unrestricted access to large-screen football and a large amount of beer … )

Thanks macspite

It will come in handy when i can call myself a pilot… LOL

Thank you for clearing that up. In my mind (and probably from a lack of detailed reading of the relevant threads) I thought it was Ready To Fly. Reason To Fly makes much more sense :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi which villages in Cumbria have you videoed? I’m also in Cumbria - still developing skills flying and taking photographs rather than video though I have taken some footage of Coniston and a local stone circle which I edited (not very well) and posted on YouTube. Hoping to embark on a trip to Grisedale Tarn this weekend, combine a walk and flying to get some decent photos (& possibly some video) up there.

I’ve done quite a few around Aspatria area, one day I decided it was what I would like to do and have tried my best. Sadly my flying skills aren’t very good and I try my best with the editing but have a look at this one, from Borrowdale, unfortunately it’s the longest I’ve done (10 mins) but wanted to cram as much as possible in.

Borrowdale Valley - YouTube

It’s great. Your flying skills look fine to me - certainly more ambitious than mine :slight_smile: I’m very nervous of going really high or letting the drone go too far away from me.

Thanks, if you were to look at my early videos you would see that I was the same, I would put the drone in the air, not too high and never too far away. Then I would spin it around and that was more or less it. Slowly I became more confident but am still very wary about losing my drone.
Just make sure you have good line of sight with nothing in the way and there is always the RTH button to rely on. But as soon as you get the signal back then take over manually to land the drone.


Being on Linux, KDENLIVE was available for free – when I tried it I found it quite rich in features and easy to use; so I stick with it since. Totally convinced that Premiere would be just as good.
It is just a matter of which editor you are familiar with. :slight_smile: