What’s this

I have a genuine Mavic Pro. My friend is thinking of getting one of these. https://thetodaypost.net/optin-23304123
Any thoughts please.

It’s a rebranded Eachine E58.

Basically a toy quad. Quite a few companies doing this now and adverts are very misleading.

Google Eachine E58


Thank you I thought it might me something along those line. I will tell him to keep saving.


Sound advice :slight_smile:


Just read up on all the specs against a Mavic Pro. How can they get away with the way they advertise these things. Thank goodness for forums like this one.

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It’s bordering on fraud.

All those fake articles and adverts are made and hosted outside the UK and it’s also shipped from China.

It is actually a decent little drone for what it is (a arkund the house toy).

You can buy the E58 from Banggood etc for about £20.


I’m about to put my MP on eBay at £650 complete with more fly combo hard case and prop guards. It’s never had a crash or hard landing. If you want to tell your friend.

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Just messaged one of my mates who has considered picking up a Mavic for a little while!

Okay dokay. Just PM me if he is interested. I do work odd shifts so will reply ASAP.

Thanks @Brian, he apparently does not have approval from the CFO… Or CEO, or COO! :wink:

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Or LSS (Long suffering spouse)

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